Dr. Saleem Ahmad
Assistant Professor (Sr-Scale)
- Saleem Ahmad is a distinguished scholar and researcher specializing in Indian Foreign Policy, with a focus on India’s relations with West Asia, particularly Syria and Iran relations. Dr. Ahmad’s scholarly work continues to contribute significantly to the discourse on India’s foreign policy and its strategic engagements in West Asia.
- Ahmad earned his Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, one of India’s premier institutions. His research contributions include over 60 publications in UGC Care-listed, indexed, peer-reviewed, and refereed journals, along with edited book chapters. He has actively organized, participated in, and attended numerous Faculty Development Programs (FDPs), workshops, seminars, and webinars, further solidifying his academic and professional presence.
- Born in Amroha to Mohd Farooq, a businessman, and Khursheeda Khatoon, a homemaker, he has carved a remarkable academic path through dedication and expertise. He is married to Dr. Sana Kausar, and comes from a large and supportive family with three sisters and two brothers.
- PHD Thesis entitled on “Syria’s Policy towards Iran during the Hafiz-al-Asad Regime”, Centre for West Asian Studies (CWAS), School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, awarded in 2014.
- Phil Dissertation entitled on “Syria’s Response to the Iraq-Kuwait Crisis, 1990-1991”, Centre for West Asian Studies (CWAS), School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, awarded in 2009.
- UGC-National Eligibility Test (NET) in Political Science qualified in 2010 and 2012 respectively.
- Master of Arts completed in Political Science in 2006 from MJ P Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
- Bachelor of Science earned with Mathematics & Physics in 2003 from MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
- Saleem Ahmad is a Programme Coordinator of Department of Political Science, School of Humanities, KR Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana. With a 10 years of teaching experience, he is dedicated to educating students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has a profound interest in academic research and writing, having published over sixty research papers in various peer-reviewed, refereed, and UGC CARE-listed journals.
- Worked as a Programme Coordinator & Associate Professor in Department of Political Science, Amity University, Gwalior from 03 October 2019 to 24 January 2025.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor in Department of Political Science, School of Liberal Education (SLE), GALGOTIAS University, Greater Noida from 14 September 2015 to 01 October 2019.
- Ahmad, Saleem (2023), “India and Turkey Trade Relations”, in Omair ANAS Yalçın KAYALI (ed.), TÜRKİYE-INDIA HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY RELATIONS, ANKARA UNIVERSITY ASIA-PACIFIC RESEARCH CENTER (APAM), Turky: Ankara University Publications, ISBN: 978-605-136-569-5, PP. 67-88.
- Pathak, Shreesh and Ahmad, Saleem (2023), “Bharat-China Seema Vivad ki Jatiltayen evam Tawang Jhadap”, in Pankaj Kumar Verma and Amar Singh (ed.), India’s Defence Achievents @ 75 Years of independence, New Delhi: Satyam Publishing House, ISBN.978-93-91993-86, PP. 301-308
- Ahmad, Saleem (2019), “India’s Policy towards the Rebuilding of Syria”, in Subhash Singh (ed.), India’s Foreign Policy: Reshaping in the Contemporary World, Delhi: Meena Books Publications, ISBN: 9789385957390, PP. 126-42
- Ahmad, Saleem (2017), “India and Bangladesh Relations in the 21st Century: A New Era of Cooperation”, in Sumant Kumar (ed.), India’s Relations with the World: under the Leadership of Narendra Modi, Delhi: Avon Publications, ISBN. 978-93-8183-994-2
- Life time membership of Indian Political Science Association (IPSA). Membership No is 3995.
- Honorary Deputy Director, CIWAD-Center for India-West Asia Dialogue, New Delhi
- Awarded Post Doctoral Fellowship from Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi
- Short Term Doctoral Fellowship for Ph. D from ICSSR, New Delhi
- Entitled two times Mr. JNU in “Bodybuilding Championship” sponsored by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delh
- Ahmad, Saleem (2024), “The Role of China in Restoring Iran-Saudi Arabia Ties: What does it mean for India?” The Indian Journal of Political Science, January-March, 2024, ISSN. 0019-5510, PP.27-32 (UGC Care Listed)
- Ahmad, Saleem and Pareek, Kumar Sambhav (2023), “Swami Vivekananda: An Inspiration for the Indian Youth in the 21st Century”, The Indian Journal of Political Science Vol. LXXXIV, No. 1, January-March, 2023, ISSN. 0019-5510, PP.27-32 (UGC Care Listed)
- Ahmad, Saleem (2022), “Relevance of Gandhi’s Ethical Teachings the Contemporary Era” Satraachee, Issue 24, Vol. 36, No. 4, July-September, 2022 ISSN 2348-8425, PP.399-407 (UGC Care Listed)
- Singh, Subhash and Ahmad, Saleem (2022), “Syrian Civil War: A Comprehensive Analysis” Satraachee, Issue (Hindi) 24, Vol. 36, No. 5, July-September, 2022 ISSN 2348-8425, PP.124-135 (UGC Care Listed)
- Pareek, KS and Ahmad, Saleem (2021-22), “Defining Diplomacy through Kautilya’s Arthashastra”, Shri Vaishnavi, ISSN 7552-2779, PP.211-222 (UGC Care Listed)
- Ahmad, Saleem and Pareek, KS (2021), “The Abraham Accords and the Geo-political Shift in West Asia: Opportunities for India”, Wesleyan Journal of Research, ISSN 0975-1386, PP.33-46 (UGC Care Listed)
- Ahmad, Saleem (2020), “Shift in India’s MENA Policy during the Modi Government: Challenges and Opportunities”, Hemispheres Studies on Cultures and Societies, Vol. 35, e-ISSN 2449-8645, pp.20-37 (Indexed Journal)
- Ahmad, Saleem (2020), “India’s Relations with Israel and Palestine during the Modi Government”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, December 2020
- Ahmad, Saleem (2019), “China-Sri Lanka Relations in the Contemporary Era: Challenges for India”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, 469, January 2019
- Ahmad, Saleem (2018), “India’s Iran Policy during the Modi Government: The Challenges Ahead”, The Researcher- International Journal of Management Humanities and Social Sciences, 3 Issue 2, ISSN : 2456-1339, July-December 2018
- Ahmad, Saleem (2018), “India-Russia Strategic Partnership in the 21st Century: The Challenges Ahead”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, 463, July 2018
- Ahmad, Saleem (2015), “India’s Afghanistan Policy: The Way Ahead”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, 428, August 2015
- Ahmad, Saleem (2015), “Israel’s Policy towards the Syrian Conflict”, International Journal of Applied Social Science, Review Article, Volume 2 (7&8), July & August (2015): 104-112, ISSN: 2394-1405
- Ahmad, Saleem (2015), “The Rising Power of Shi’a Crescent in West Asia: Conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, 427, July 2015
- Ahmad, Saleem (2015), “Revival of Sardar Patel’s Legacy in Modi Government as Maker of Modern India”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, 423, March 2015
- Ahmad, Saleem (2015), “Gandhi’s Principles of Non-Violence and the Palestinian Resistance Movement”, International Journal of Applied Social Science, Review Article, Volume 2 (3&4), March & April (2015): 104-112, ISSN: 2394-1405
- Ahmad, Saleem (2015), “Uncle Sam in West Asia: The Battle for Oil”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, 421, January 2015
- Ahmad, Saleem (2014), “Democracy and India’s Economic Growth”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, 416, August 2014
- Ahmad, Saleem (2014), “Strategic Shift in China’s Syria Policy”, World Focus, ISSN 2230-8458, 411, March 2014
- Ahmad, Saleem (2013), “Syria’s Pragmatic Foreign Policy: A Case of Iran”, Samaj Vigyan Shodh Patrika, ISSN 0973-7626, Vol. 2 (Part-I) No. XXIII (2013)
- Ahmad, Saleem (2013), “Causes of Conflict between India Pakistan Relations”, Samaj Vigyan Shodh Patrika, ISSN 0973-7626, Vol. 1 (Part-II) No XXII (2013)