Dr. Priya Sharma
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Dr. Priya Sharma is an academician who has contributed to scholarly writing on nonviolence, Gandhian social movements, social justice and conflict transformation. She also has a blog, ‘Visions of Tomorrow’ for reflecting on issues pertaining to peace, conflict and nonviolence. She has also conducted interviews on ‘Terrorism and Nonviolence’ with Dr. Douglas Allen, author of ‘Gandhi after 9/11: Creative Nonviolence and Sustainability,’ and Mark Juergensmeyer, author of ‘Terror in the Minds of God’.
- PHD Thesis titled, “The Idea of Political in Gandhian Social Movements: Study of Ekta Parishad in Madhya Pradesh”, Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, awarded in 2024.
- Phil Dissertation entitled on “Understanding Nonviolence as a Means of Resistance: Case study of Ekta Parishad and Narmada Bachao Andolan”, Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, awarded in 2016.
- UGC-National Eligibility Test (NET) in Political Science qualified in 2016.
- Master of Arts completed in Political Science in 2014 from Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
- Bachelor of Arts earned with Economics and Political Science in 2012 from Lady Shriram College, University of Delhi.,
- ‘Understanding Satyagraha from the Moral and Pragmatic Lens’ in an edited volume titled ‘Reassessing Gandhian Thought’, ed. By Dr. Aamir Riyaz and Dr. Shahidul Hogue, published by Shivalik Prakashan. ISBN-10 8194556252
- ‘Examining the Relationship between Sustainable Development Goals and Neo- Liberal Development’ in an edited volume titled ‘Sustainability of Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Pandemic’ ed. By M. Sakhtivel and Amar Pal Singh, published by Satyam Law International. ISBN: 978-93-91345-91-4
- ‘Pragmatism in the Religious Philosophy of Gandhi: Connecting the Idea of Tradition and Modernity’ in an edited volume titled ‘Gandhi Across Disciplines: New Millennial Responses’ ed. By Ajay K.Chaubey, Renu Bhadola Dangwal, Preeti Bhatt, Santosh K.Yadav, published by Mittal Publication. ISBN: 978-93-90692-22-4
- ‘Tracing the Idea of ‘Political’ in Gandhian Social Movements: A Study of Ekta Parishad’ in ‘Global Gandhi’ an International Half-yearly e-journal, Shanti Sahyog Centre for Nonviolence, New Delhi, India (CFN), Volume II, Issue 1, July-December,2024
- समालोचन पत्रिका में “मंथन : कृत्रिम मेधा -रोबॉट और हमारा संसार पर विचार -विमर्श”. February, 2024
- ‘The Quest for Justice from a Gandhian Perspective: A Case Study of Ekta Parishad’ in Peer-reviewed International Journal of Political Science and Public Administration by Svedberg Open, Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2021
- ‘Examining Nonviolent Resistance in Creating an Ecosystem for Swaraj’ in Gandhi Samagra, ISSN No.2277-9795(Peer reviewed Research Journal of Jamshedpur Women’s College)
- ‘Understanding the Significance of Satyagraha in Post-Independence India’ (Vol.XXVI, No.1, Summer, 2020), ISSN: 0972-1452. Summerhill, IIAS Review. (Listed in UGC-CARE at the time of publication)
- ‘Critically Analysing the Shift from Satyagraha to Nonviolent Resistance: A Conversation between Gandhi and Gene Sharp’ (10th February, 2020) Vol.40, ISSN 2394-3114, Studies in Indian Place Names. (Listed in UGC-CARE at the time of publication)
- ‘परिपेक्ष ‘ का अप्रैल और अगस्त अंक (2019)-“समकालीन में पररप्रेक्ष्य शिक्षा संबंधी गांधी के वैचारिक संभावनाओ की खोज:एक शोध”, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA)द्वारा फरवरी 2022 में प्रकाशित (Author: Priya Sharma and co-author: Prateek Yadav) Vol no. 1 and 2
- ‘सबलोग’ का सितम्बर अंक – “समाज, शासन और स्वयं सेवी संस्थाएं ” में“एकता परषद की पहल” – सबलोग ISSN 2277-5897
- ‘सबलोग’ का दिसंबर (2018) अंक-“गााँधीवादी आंदोलन”के नाम से लेख