Dr. Shikha
Associate Professor – Education
Presently, working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Education (SOED) at K.R. Mangalam University. She is Ph.D. and MPhil. In Education from Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya (BPSMV). She has participated and presented papers in various national and international conferences/ seminars and is also CTET Part-1(Primary) CTET Part-2(TGT HTET Part-1(PRT) Qualified.Her area of specialization is Teacher Education and Child development.
- Ph.D from Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya (BPSMV) (2018-2022)
- MPhil from Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya (BPSMV) (2016-2017)
- M.Ed (Education) from Maharshi Dayanand University (2014- 2015)
- B.Ed (Hindi, Social studies) from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (2013-2014)
- B.A from Maharshi Dayanand University (2010-2013)
17 Years
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- Presented a paper “Inculcation of values through Teacher Education” in national seminar on quality improvement in teacher Education in the present ERA sponsored by DGHE. Feb28,2017.
- Presented a paper “Quality Improvement of teachers through technological innovation use of teacher education” in national seminar on quality assurance, enhancement and sustainability in teacher education sponsored by NAAC. Feb 7 -8, 2017.
- Presented a paper “Contemporary Issues and challenges of Higher Education in India” in national seminar on Contemporary prospects and challenges: India and world sponsored by DGHE. Feb18, 2017.
- Presented a paper “The effects of a constructivism approach on Teaching and learning” in national seminar on Constructivism: A new paradigm in teaching and learning sponsored by NAAC. March23-24, 2017.
- Presented a paper “Contextual relationship between internet addiction and mental health” in International seminar on “Positive Psychology for Health and Well Being” organized by G.J.U Hisar. March 9 -10, 2018
- Presented a paper “Digital Revolution plays sustainable development” in International seminar on Role of digitalization in sustainable development: A Global perspective sponsored by NAAC. Sept 16-17, 2017 .
- A Chapter published in Editing book on “Recent trends in Commerce and Management” of Teacher Effectiveness of primary school teachers in relation to their Emotional Maturity., A multidisciplinary Approach published by New Delhi publisher with ISBN 978 -93-5288-013-3. First Edition/Volume 2017.
- Parents and teachers important role: Promoting academic resilience. IJRAR International of research and analytical reviews). VOL 7, issue 2/195, 505-513. 2349- 5138 May 2020 5.75 Peer reviewed, open access journal, approved by UGC
- A study of academic resilience among students of secondary and higher secondary school. lIJSR (International journal of science and researches). Vol 9, issue 5, 1539- 1542. 2319-7064.May 2020 0.28/sj if; 7.583 Open access, peer reviewed and fully referred international journal .
- Parents and teachers important role: Promoting academic Resilience. IJRAR (International journal of research and analytical reviews). VOL 7, issue 2/195, 505-513. 2349-5138. May 2020 5.75 Peer reviewed ,open access journal, approved by issn and ugc
- A study of academic resilience among students of secondary higher secondary school. IJSR(International journal of science and researches). VOL9, issue 5,1539-1542. 2319- 7064. May 2020.0.28/sj if;7.583 Open access, peer reviewed and fully referred international journal.
- A study on the teachers perception about teaching learning process during covid-19 pandemic lockdown. (Indian Journal of Social Concerns). VOL-9. issue -37,22-29. 2231-5837.July 2020 An international peer –reviewed and referred journal.
- An impact of Social Freedom of Women prospective teachers in relation to their Home Environment. International journal of scientific research in Science and Technology. 2395 -602X.
- A study on academic resilience in relation to academic self -concept of Senior secondary students, International Journal of Innovative Research In Technology. (IJIRT). Volume 8, issue 7. 2349 -6002. December 2021. Impact– 5.8. An international open access peer – reviewed and referred journal Ugc approved.