NAAC Cycle-1

NAAC Criterion 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Metric ID

Deviation Details and HEI Response


The institution has adequate infrastructure facilities for

a. teaching - learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories,

b. ICT enabled facilities such as smart classes, LMS etc.

c. Facilities for cultural and sports activities , yoga centre, games (indoor and outdoor) gymnasium, auditorium etc.

Describe the adequacy of facilities within a maximum of 500 words Response:

K. R. Mangalam University always strives for the creation and enhancement of infrastructure to promote a good teaching and learning environment. The University has a green treat spread over an area of 26 acres comprising 11 schools distributed in three academic blocks. These blocks encompass physical facilities that support the teaching-learning process through classrooms, seminar halls, laboratories, studios, office space, student amenities, library, Medical Room and staff rooms.

The teaching-learning facilitiesinclude 128 classrooms, 2 seminar halls, 75 laboratories and 13 studios that possess audio-visual systems, computers, ICT enabled tools and adequate numbers of chairs, benches and podium. The well-equipped modular laboratories consist of pre-requisites such as water supply, LPG gas facility, fume hood, exhaust fan and preparatory areas. The university comprises agricultural farms and herbal garden spread over an area of 2 acres, wherein students perform practical and research associated with core areas of agronomy, horticulture and pharmaceutical sciences.

The well spacious classrooms, laboratories and seminar halls are equipped with ICT enabled facilities such as LCD projectors, Lecture Capturing System (LCS), Smart Interactive Touch Panels, Wi-Fi and LAN in addition to tools such as ZOOM and MS Teams that enable to connect through online mode, to contentedly meet the academic requirements. The University adopts the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle that provides extensive management of the various courses taught via conceptualizing the online platform of teaching resources in a systematic manner for the students to facilitate them for enhanced learning.

K. R. Mangalam University has created state-of-the-art infrastructure for harnessing the potential of the students in cultural and sports activities for their holistic development.

The university provides a variety of sports facilities including a multi-purpose sports ground that complies at par with the national standards for conduction of athletics and other outdoor sports.

Outdoor Sports:

Volleyball Court Basketball Court Cricket Ground Football Ground Badminton Court Lawn Tennis Court Kabaddi Ground

Athletics Grounds (8 lanes) Futsal

Indoor Sports:

Table Tennis Chess Carrom Billiard Table Foosball

Other Cultural and Sports Facilities

Gymnasium and Fitness Centre Yoga Centre

Music Studio Tabla Dholak Harmonium Bass Guitar

Acoustic Guitar Electric Guitar Drums


The University has a multi-purpose hall with seating capacity of around 150 persons, fully air- conditioned and well maintained with modern amenities to host confined gatherings for academic activities. The presence of music and dance studios facilitates students to hone their talent within a purview of Indo-Western cultural amalgamation and the presence of Yoga Centre enables them to emulate the science of healthy living by practicing yoga and meditation.


Percentage of expenditure excluding salary, for infrastructure development and augmentation year wise during the last five years

Response:37.87 Expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last five years (INR in lakhs)











Attached Documents :
Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
Audited income and expenditure statement of the institution to be signed by CA and counter signed by the competent authority (relevant expenditure claimed for infrastructure augmentation should be clearly highlighted)


Library is automated with digital facilities using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), adequate subscriptions to e-resources and journals are made. The library is optimally used by the faculty and students


The University possesses a proficient Central Library with extensive collection of books, scientific journals, databases, and online repositories for the benefit of the students, faculties and researchers and has been precisely partitioned into 9 sections viz. Acquisition Section, Technical Section, Circulation Section, Periodical Section, Reference Section, Digital Section, Research Section, Thesis/Dissertation Section and Maintenance Section. The library is located on the lower ground floor of A-block spread over an area of 1457 Sq m. and is fully air-conditioned and digitalized, thereby creating a user-friendly interface and is well protected with fire alarms and CCTV security systems. The library is fully automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) software known as 'Koha' that automatically manages the collection of a large number of books related to various branches viz. Agriculture, Fashion Design, Law, Management, Engineering, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Journalism, Architecture, Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences. The Library committee ensures that the library policies and guidelines are properly stacked and displayed so as to be viewed by all students, staff and visitors at any point of time.

The library possesses a collection of 42217 books, 86 National and 11 International journals, e-journals via DELNET consortium, Scopus and J-GATE databases for accessing research and review articles in the field of basic sciences, pharmacy, physiotherapy, agriculture, engineering and architecture. Additionally, the library possesses online databases viz. Manupatra and Supreme Court Cases (SCC) online for students and faculties of Legal studies. The library is a member of INFLIBNET resources viz. Shodhganga (wherein more than 100 Ph.D. theses have been uploaded by K. R. Mangalam University), Indian Research Information Network System (IRINS) and Vidwan databases. IRINS has hosted research data of more than 350 faculties of K. R. Mangalam University, reflecting their scientific outcomes in the form of citations, H-index, I-index, patent etc.

The library features the presence of e-Library (Knimbus® ) showcasing 140866 open access e-books, 24220 e-journals, 3493 case studies, 9807 datasets, 49 newspapers and magazines. The annual library budget ensures that important and latest editions of the required books are timely added thereby exponentially raising the graph of available books over the years. A continuous effort is made to increase the acquisition of library electronic resources. Access to e-databases and library information etc. is provided through K. R. Mangalam University Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) portal or Internet gateway. All e-resources are accessible locally within the campus through ID & password. The digital section of the library comprises 36 computers available for usage by students along with the Research facilities such as plagiarism software (Drillbit) and statistical software (Sigma Plot Ver. 15) along with the access to various online databases. The library is being utilized by students and teachers physically as well as virtually, with daily footfalls ranging to around 500 footfalls per day.

The salient features of the library are -

1. Centrally Air-conditioned

2. WI-FI and Reprographic facilities

3. Reference and Helpdesk Sections

4. New arrivals display Section

5. Current Awareness Services (CAS)

6.E-Library (Knimbus®)

7. Digital Section

Periodical Section


Percentage of expenditure for purchase of books/ e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals year wise during the last five years

Response:2.97 Annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)











Attached Documents :
Institutional data in the prescribed format
Audited income and expenditure statement of the institution to be signed by CA and counter signed by the competent authority (relevant expenditure claimed for purchase of books/ e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals should be clearly highlighted)


Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and provides sufficient bandwidth for internet connection

Describe IT facilities including Wi-Fi with date and nature of updation, available internet bandwidth within a maximum of 500 words


K. R. Mangalam University offers a completely digitalized arena for students, faculties and staff in order to carry out various academic and administrative operations and provides advanced IT facilities to ensure seamless teaching-learning and research experiences. This can be manifested with the availability of adequate number of computers in LAN with high speed internet, printers, scanners, Wi-Fi and ICT enabled tools that are available in administrative office, examination section, store, classrooms, laboratories and library. Over 1200 LAN points are augmented across the campus, computer laboratories and office spaces. The campus backbone network is of 1 Gbps and over 214 Wi-Fi Network points have been deployed across the campus in all academic and hostels blocks for 24×7 internet service, enabling students and faculty to stay connected and access the academic content, anywhere and anytime within the campus.

A Cloud Based Online Data Centre is built to manage network operations efficiently, host all the servers, with continuous power supply, so that the network and servers are monitored, and are available for better connectivity across all teaching blocks. Server infrastructure includes high power computing nodes, IBM Rack Server with Cloud Based Storage. The enterprise firewall CISCO has been deployed for handling enhanced load on network and applications, catering to the ever emerging needs of academic and administrative processes and thus providing a secure network.

ICT enabled facilities such as LCD projectors, LCS (Lecture Capturing System) and Smart Interactive Touch Panels have been deployed in addition to tools such as ZOOM and MS Teams that enable to connect online with various academic institutions worldwide. Microsoft Outlook, in a hosted environment, provides email services and manages all communications. Over 2400 Online Outlook mailboxes are hosted in the email solution. 1136 desktops including 20 iMac's are installed in computer labs, administrative offices, research facility labs and faculty workstations across the campus, giving computing facility to students and faculty for practical hands-on sessions. Academics and Back-office processes are carried out using Serosoft software.

The students have open access to internet connection provided by the University enabling them to carry out research and access e-library content or any kind of personal information by logging in their accounts generated by IT team, and can even download it from ERP and University's Website from anywhere within the premises. The Institution frequently updates the bandwidth as per the requirement thereby catering to the needs of the students, faculties, staff and parents in order to make learning and monitoring easier and efficient especially the enhanced facilitation of student-student and staff-student communications.

Since the inception of University in 2013, with a vision to excel in the journey of education, the University's IT infrastructure has been routinely augmented and strengthened with the presence of procurement policy and budgetary provisions that are especially of recurring nature and in actuality depends on the rising demands. Budgetary provisions of IT are under the major heads of IT Hardware's, ICT tools, Software's, Internet facilities, IT Solutions, Media Tools etc. that are procured and updated on a timely basis.


Student - Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

Response:2.5 Number of computers available for students usage during the latest completed academic year : 1264\

Attached Documents :
Stock register/extracts highlighting the computers issued to respective departments for student's usage
Purchased Bills/Copies


Institution has the following Facilities for e-content development and other resource development

  1. Audio visual center, mixing equipment, editing facilities and Media Studio
  2. Lecture Capturing System(LCS)
  3. Central Instrumentation Centre
  4. Animal House
  5. Museum
  6. Business Lab
  7. Research/statistical database
  8. Moot court
  9. Theatre
  10. Art Gallery
  11. Any other facility to support research

Response: A. Any 7 or more of the above

Attached Documents :
Videos and geo-tagged photographs of each of the facilities available in the HEI. Details of the structures of each of the facilities available in the HEI.
Purchase Bill / stock register, entry for lecture capturing system, mixing equipment, software for editing
Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
Copy of the subscription letter for database is essential for Option Research/Statistical Databases
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)


Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years

Response:33.83 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component year - wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)











Attached Documents :
Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
Audited income and expenditure statement of the institution to be signed by CA and counter signed by the competent authority (relevant expenditure claimed for maintenance of infrastructure should be clearly highlighted)


There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical and academic support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.

Describe policy details of systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities within a maximum of 500 words


The University has well defined systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the functioning are well laid down by the competent authorities. The maintenance of the infrastructural facilities is done through the Administrative Officer who initiates necessary actions to keep campus facilities and buildings in good working condition. All expensive equipment's, computers, elevators, energy systems, etc. are purchased after approval of purchase committee and maintained by entering Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) with the supplying/installing agencies. A separate IT section in the University looks after the maintenance of ICT facilities like Lecture Capturing System (LCS), Smart Interactive Panel, Projectors and Wi-Fi. A server room is regularly maintained to prevent faults from occurring and ensure maximum operational efficiency. There are several dry and wet laboratories in various schools whose usage and maintenance are being tracked by the associated laboratory technician thereby ensuring the functionality of all equipment's and machines. In case of dry laboratories, the complaints related to the computers and related systems are handled by the IT team. The animal house is duly maintained as per the guidelines of the Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CCSEA). The animal attendant ensures proper cleanliness in the animal house and provides feed and water to the animals and disposes off animal waste. The veterinarian takes care of the well-being of the animals and provides proper treatment if required.

The library facilities are maintained by the Librarian and well documented SOPs for the utilization and maintenance of Library services are duly displayed on the library notice board. Corrective actions viz. binding, repair of torn pages etc. are timely initiated to preserve the books for long. Pest control of library books and records is done on regular basis. The sports facilities come under the purview of sports officers who look after the proper utilization and maintenance of the same. The University possesses documented policies for usage and maintenance of Sports complexes and equipment's. The Transport department also possesses documented policy for the use and maintenance of transport facilities of the University.

The University has separate maintenance contracts for the Pest Control, Garden Maintenance, House Keeping and Security Services that are overall supervised by the General administration. The administrative officer ensures the university's preparedness for any disaster or natural calamity like fire, earthquake etc. The Maintenance of AC, RO systems, generators, solar panel, parking lots are carried out as per the documented SOPs at regular intervals. The maintenance of equipment's for water supply sets, sewage treatment etc. are undertaken as per standard maintenance schedule. Separate Complaint registers are maintained for various services like electrical, plumbing, housekeeping etc. both for academic and hostel buildings.

The Horticulture team ensures upkeep of green areas - indoors and outdoors including maintenance of herbal garden, agricultural farms, caring and watering of flower pots, manuring, hoeing, lawn mowing and weeding etc. The Divyangjan friendly facilities such as washrooms, ramps, pedestrian pathways etc. are well taken care of.