NAAC Cycle-1

NAAC Criterion 6 - Governance, Leadership and Management

Metric ID

Deviation Details and HEI Response


The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission of the Institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as NEP implementation, sustained institutional growth, decentralization, participation in the institutional governance and in their short term and long term Institutional Perspective Plan.


The University has consistently achieved excellence in Higher Education in tune with its mission and vision. It has set an example of effective leadership with well-established systems of governance and management. The greatest strength of our university is the democratic leadership and participative approach which have helped us in setting up high academic standards, improving infrastructure facilities, developing quality research works, strengthening national and international networking in the University. These are evident in below mentioned examples:

Good Governance: The leadership of the University steers in fulfillment of its vision, mission and objectives through strategic planning and review mechanism. The main outlook of the University is to be innovative, receptive to the environmental changes and to prop up entrepreneurial society. This ethos targeting the mounting aspirations of India is noticed at all levels, in all programs and processes. Creation of congenial, academically stimulating, and supportive environment conducive to the overall academic growth and time-lined infrastructural improvements in the campus are result of the good governance, excellent management, and a trustworthy leadership within the University.

Decentralization and Participation: All stakeholders of university including faculty, staff, students, and alumni provide input by way of their direct and indirect participation in the development and implementation of systems and procedures, as well as in strategic planning. Committees are constituted for the execution of assigned activities. Faculty and students actively participate in the overall decision- making process by serving as conveners and members of the committees established to oversee the university's daily operations. Both Top-down and bottom-up models are used, depending on the type of job. The statutory bodies of the University are represented both by the student & faculty.

NEP Implementation:The University has constituted a phased committee for NEP implementation. The university based on NEP has initiated the process of converting three-year undergraduate programmes into four years with multiple entry and exit option from academic session 2023-24. University has registered all its students for ABC and the curriculum updation has been aligned to the NEP requirement. The focus is on outcomes and skills.

Sustained Institutional Growth:The University seeks to ensure equity, access, and quality in learning experience and hence the role of teachers is paramount in achieving the intended success. Faculty engages students in high-impact, value-based education, and leading-edge research within and across disciplines. The University aims at the pursuit of knowledge through the tools of research, innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity. The faculty is continuously trained to keep pace with emerging areas, pedagogy and assessment strategy.

Collaborations: University focuses on academic collaborations and networking with national and international organizations to broaden its horizon of knowledge and to meet needs and expectations of the society and has signed many MOUs with foreign or Indian academic and business organizations.

Transparency and Feedback:The University has a well-defined perspective plan for excellent communication at all levels and transparency in decision making process. The University uses feedback tools to accelerate academic growth. Leadership ensures compliance of academic and administrative procedures by maintaining the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and efficiency. Continual improvements are made through regular systematic audits, checks and monitoring by well- defined Quality Assurance Framework.

K.R. Mangalam incorporates all the elements together to make the University what it is today - an academic institution dedicated to groom a generation of dynamic professionals who can contribute persistently and selflessly.


The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies are effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules, and procedures, etc


KRMU's Strategic plan serves as a roadmap guiding the university's strategic direction and development. Its effective deployment and implementation are critical for ensuring that the university operates efficiently and achieves its long-term goals.

The strategic plan sets clear goals and priorities for the university, outlining specific objectives over a defined period. These goals are aligned with the university's mission and vision and designed to address key challenges and opportunities facing the university. The long-term goals are set in areas such as student strength, education quality improvement, infrastructure, internationalization, learning resources, human resources, equipment, research, project innovation, and NEP-20 implementation.

The strategic plan guides resource allocation decisions, ensuring that financial, human, and other resources are directed towards priority areas identified in the plan. This may involve reallocating resources from less critical areas to support strategic initiatives that advance the university's goals.

The university's strategic plan includes mechanisms for monitoring progress towards goals and holding individuals and units accountable for results. Performance metrics are established to measure outcomes and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and initiatives. Regular performance reviews and assessments ensure that corrective actions can be taken as needed to keep the university on track towards achieving its objectives.

The university has implemented the National Education Policy to accelerate its future growth while also meeting the requirements of NEP 2020 and the National Curriculum Credit framework.

To accomplish the objectives of the five -year strategic plan for the advancement and augmentation of research, following strategies were adopted:

Research, innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities were brought under one umbrella and Research and Development cell was established under the guidance of Dean Research.

The Research Advisory Committee was constituted for each research scholar to provide guidance and mentorship.

National and International conferences were organized to provide exposure to research scholars and faculty with recent technological advancements in specific discipline and interdisciplinary areas.

Guidance and mentorship were provided to faculty for submission of socially and technologically relevant projects for extra mural funding.

Numerous schemes such as faculty research incentive scheme for publications/patents/ paper presentation in conferences, seed grant to desirous faculty for facilitating research were announced.

Faculty Development Programs, workshops and training programs on contemporary areas of research were organized for faculty and research scholars.

Training sessions on usage of plagiarism software and workshops on intellectual property rights were conducted to create awareness about the code of ethics.

Establishment of dedicated research laboratories, central instrumentation facility, museum, art gallery.

Fellowships to full-time research scholars to attract quality research scholars.

The effectiveness of the university's strategic plan is reflected in the policies and administrative set-up of the university. Policies are developed or revised to support the goals and objectives outlined in the plan, providing a framework for decision-making and action. The administrative set-up is structured to facilitate the implementation of the plan, with clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships.


Institution implements e-governance in its operations. e-governance is implemented covering the following areas of operations:

  1. Administration including complaint management
  2. Finance and Accounts
  3. Student Admission and Support
  4. Examinations

Response: A. All of the above
Attached Documents :
Screen shots of user interfaces of each module reflecting the name of the HEI
Institutional expenditure statements for the budget heads of e-governance implementation ERP Document
Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
Annual e-governance report approved by the Governing Council/ Board of Management/ Syndicate Policy document on e-governance


The institution has performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff and avenues for career development/progression


Performance Appraisal System is personified as process for "non-stop effort and enhancement for accomplishments". A strong belief of the University is that, moving forward by involving people in the vision and mission of the University enhances the possibility of accomplishing success. Faculty is the intellectual capital of University and driving force of academic excellence. Extensive efforts are taken to enhance the professional skills of the teaching and non-teaching staff. Systematic evaluation of the performance of employee is done to understand the ability of a person for his/her further growth and development.

The University has devised the self-assessment cum performance appraisal system for teachers to evaluate their performance. Performance Appraisal of faculty is prepared incorporating various parameters which edify the efficiency, development, and contribution of the faculty. The Performance of faculty is assessed based on the Self Appraisal Report submitted by him /her in the prescribed Performance Appraisal form. The respective Dean of the school assesses the faculty performance based on actual work output, personal attributes and functional competencies and recommended it to the Vice Chancellor. The recommendations are further evaluated by the Vice Chancellor and a final grade is approved. Based on grading derived from scoring system and the financial increment and incentives are provided to faculty. The whole process is transparent and there is open communication between the faculty, dean and management.

The performance-based appraisal system examines strengths and weaknesses of an employee and suggests methods to improve.

10 years celebrations of KRMU: The faculty and staff members were felicitated on the occasion of completion of 10 years of its establishment. The staff who has completed 10 year of service were rewarded with the token of appreciation.

Teachers Day Celebrations and Awards for teachers in various categories acknowledge their commitment to the university.

Promotional Avenues: The university's promotional policy is in place. Keeping UGC norms as guidelines, regular promotions are given. This practice of recognition by the University motivates other employees to work and gradually rise to higher ranks. The promotion is based on a Panel Interview conducted by the Vice Chancellor and external experts.

Non-Teaching: All non-teaching staff members are reviewed under different categories i.e. hard work, discipline, interpersonal relationships, and technical abilities.

Welfare Measures: KRMU firmly believes that the value of human assets can be considerably improved by investing in their training and welfare activities and so it gives foremost importance to teaching and non-teaching staff welfare.

Campus accommodation at reasonable rent Transportation facility

Provident Fund

Group Accident Insurance ESI facility to staff

Gym, Sports and Recreation facilities Health Check-ups for faculty and staff Festival Celebrations

Advance Salary

Fee Concession for pursuing PhD at KRMU

Registration fees/Travel facilities for visiting industrial centers, conferences, and seminars etc.

Academic Leaves

Seed Money to the Faculty for Research Awards and Recognitions

Teacher's Day Celebrations


Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years

Response:77.56 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years











Attached Documents :
Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers and list of teachers receiving financial support year-wise under each head
Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee for professional bodies.
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)


Percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) during the last five years

Response:87.79 Total number of teachers who have undergone online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP)/ Management Development Programs (MDP)during the last five years











Attached Documents :
Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)


Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds other than salary and fees and the optimal utilisation of resources

Describe the resource mobilisation policy and procedures of the Institution within a maximum of 500 words


The University is a self-financing body, as per section 8 of The Haryana Private Universities Act 2006, and it generates its own corpus of funds through fees charged from students for providing academic services. Peripheral support services provided to students and staff on a mutual benefit basis, like transportation, hostel, and mess facilities, also generate revenue.

Fees to be charged to students are reviewed periodically by the appropriate authorities for cost analysis to revise fees. Other sources of financial revenue apart from fees include:

1. Research Project Grants

2. Participation fee in various conferences, seminars organized by the University.

3. Sponsorships for various events, conferences, seminars, etc.

4. Endowments

5. Rental income from cafeterias, stationery shops etc.

6. Alumni Contribution

7. Donations

8. 8.Consultancy, MDPs and Training

The university has generated a reasonable sum through bank interest by efficiently managing treasury operations. These funds are utilized optimally for the upkeep and maintenance of student services. If funds are lacking for expanding infrastructure facilities for staff/students' welfare, the university takes out loans from banks.

The university has a robust mechanism for planning, budgeting, and ensuring that resources are used efficiently. Annual financial planning and budgeting (operational expenses and capital investments) are an integral part of academic planning. The finance committee finalises the university's annual financial plans.

The Finance Committee is the university's principal financial body. Budget planning starts at the ground level, where the needs under various heads, such as infrastructure, research, cultural programs, nonrecurring expenditures, salary, honorariums, contingency expenses, etc., are considered.

All Schools and offices provide their annual financial plans, based on academic planning, to the university's finance committee to achieve educational purposes and objectives.

The university's finance committee examines and approves the proposed budget for the academic year. Administrative and financial approvals are obtained from competent authorities as per University policy and guidelines.

The finance committee recommends the budget for further approval by the Board of Management. The Finance committee is responsible for complying with regulations relating to the maintenance of income and expenditure accounts.

Physical spaces like computer centres, moot courts, seminar halls, classrooms, cricket grounds, and outdoor spaces are rented out to outside agencies to conduct examinations, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and other events. These kinds of programs increase university funding. The transportation department is responsible for managing vehicle usage optimization and maintenance costs.


Funds / Grants received from government bodies/non government and philanthropists during the last five years for development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III and V )

Response:118.69 Total Grants received from government and non-government bodies and philanthropists for development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III and V) year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)











Attached Documents :
Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
Copy of the sanction letters received from government/ nongovernment bodies and philanthropists for development and maintenance of infrastructure
Annual audited statements of accounts highlighting the grants received.
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)


Institution regularly conducts internal and external financial audits regularly

Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the last five years with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a maximum of 500 words


The University undergoes internal and external financial audits on the regular basis. The external audit is mandated under section 43(1) of Haryana Private University Act 2006 and is conducted by external independent Chartered Accountants Firm Manoj A. Jain and Co. As the University is part of Mangalam Edu Gate, the audit is conducted for whole trust. The Finance Committee monitors the use of financial resources and institution performance on financial targets. External auditors are appointed to monitor the effective and efficient use of financial resources.

External Audit:External audit is conducted in September every year. Finance Department discusses the audit report with auditors to understand and eliminate any kind of procedural anomalies observed for further improvement in the system.

The audit report once finalized is duly presented before the Board of Trustees for detailed deliberation and approval. The audit report is also presented to the Finance Committee, Board of Management and Governing Body of the University for their reference and record. The final copy of Audit Report along with annual balance sheet for the financial year is submitted to Visitor and Government of Haryana for their review and records. The copy of audit report is also submitted to Income Tax Department along with annual Income Tax return of the trust.

Internal Audit:The University conducts internal audits to further strengthen the processes and procedures across departments. The Internal Audit is regularly done on rotation basis and supervised through Tally and MIS system for transportation, mess, hostel, payroll, fees, stores, purchase analysis etc.

These audits enable us in establishing better internal control mechanism by pointing out and removing weaknesses of the system. These reports are periodically discussed with the respective authorities for their review, immediate action if required and their directions.

Strategies to strengthen Audit system

The internal audit for quality contributes to the continuous improvement of the implemented quality management systems. The areas covered under MIS system for internal audit purpose ensures:

Reliability and integrity of financial and operating information and the means used to identify, measure, classify, and report such information.

Adequacy of internal controls Compliance with the policies, plans, procedures, laws, and regulations

MIS acts as a means for safeguarding assets

The existing process of collection of fees from the students, recording it in the accounting books, follow-up for pending fees and the internal control processes around it to check leakages and delayed recoveries of fees.

Reports related to accounting processes; chart of accounts are prepared with a view to check whether accounting information is being captured in a manner so that department wise Management Information System (MIS) can be prepared accurately

Infrastructure and Equipment recording and utilization etc. can be done smoothly.

The MIS system is designed in such a manner that it provides periodic information to the concerned authorities of the university. Thus, enabling them to take well-informed and timely financial decisions related to working of the University.


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)/ Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes, by constantly reviewing the teaching-learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes, at periodic intervals Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes visible in terms of -

Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality (in case of first cycle)

Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality and post accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles)

Describe two practices institutionalized as a result of IQAC initiatives within a maximum of 500 words


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at K.R. managalam University attempts to carry out activities that encompass all aspects of the Institute's functioning. It has been involved in identifying the benchmarks, planning, preparing, steering, and scrutinizing Quality Assurance and Enhancement activities of the University.

The IQAC has put in yeoman service to ensure that the quality sustenance process is enhanced encompassing a wide range of academic and administrative activities.

Curriculum Revision

The curricula of the programs have been designed after extensive research, discussions, consultations and deliberations with academic and industry experts and feedback received from stakeholders. It is an amalgamation of existing theoretical concepts with industry requirements and provides students with skills for employment and positive work values needed to meet the demands of the changing industry. It offers a plethora of opportunities for employment targeting global market.

In academic session 2020-21, Learning Outcomes based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) was implemented in most of the programs. In academic session 2022-23 and 2023-24 the curriculum has been aligned with NEP-2020, SDG goals and IR 4.0 to provide better opportunities for employability, skill development, entrepreneurship. The curricula encompass courses on Indian knowledge systems, skill- based courses having focus on data analysis and computer programing skills, entrepreneurship and management skills, courses on cross cutting issues, project work, internship, field visits etc. Many workshops, guest lectures, debates, declamation contests, technical sessions have been conducted to augment technical and professional skills amongst students. Furthermore, the Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence, Sustainable Development Goals, Criminology and Victimology and Human Rights have been established to orient students for better understanding the concepts and their relevance with real life. University faculty use various ICT tools and modes to enrich teaching-learning process. Transmission and exchange of electronic information through instructional software, email, WhatsApp, and e- textbooks have been used by teachers.

The pedagogy of teaching is student centric and provides outcome-based education to the students. The attainment level of the students is calculated by aligning course outcomes with program outcomes and strategies are developed to enhance attainment level of students. The current syllabus enhances communications and presentation skills, teamwork, innovation, problem-solving approach, planning and organization, self-management and provides holistic education and lifelong learning skills to the students.

Verification and Auditing of Documents

Internal Quality Assurance cell initiated the process of collection and compilation of data. To synergies the overall development of the University, Strategic Plan 2022-27 was prepared to prioritize the short term, medium term, and long-term goals of the university. The activities are conducted by the schools/clubs/societies/offices and records, photographs etc. are being maintained in the prescribed template and are checked by IQAC. Guidance has been given to faculty and staff for execution of assigned tasks in a systematic manner.

At the end of each academic year, annual reports are prepared by IQAC Office and Academic and Administrative Audits (AAA) are being conducted by auditors in a structured manner with the aim of assessing the quality of the processes.


Institution has adopted the following for Quality assurance:

  1. Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow up action taken
  2. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops on quality conducted
  3. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
  4. Orientation programme on quality issues for teachers and students
  5. Participation in NIRF and other recognized ranking like Shanghai Ranking, QS Ranking Times Ranking etc
  6. Any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies

Response:A. Any 5 or more of the above

Attached Documents :
Supporting documents pertaining to NIRF (along with link to the HEI's ranking in the NIRF portal) / NBA / ISO as applicable and valid for the assessment period.
List of Orientation programmes conducted on quality issues for teachers and students along with geotagged photos and supporting documents
List of Conferences / Seminars / Workshops on quality conducted along with brochures and geo-tagged photos with caption and date.
List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) along with brochures and geo-tagged photos with caption and date.
Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)


Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality (in case of first cycle NAAC A/A)

Post accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles of NAAC A/A) Response:

The various initiatives undertaken by IQAC at K.R. Mangalam University have led to the beginning of a wave of change in each of the academic and administrative sphere of the University. Based on feedback from IQAC, major improvements have taken place in the following areas:


Engineering Kitchen Robotics Lab

Wi-fi enabled campus

Lecture rooms equipped with projectors/Smart TVs Medical Care Centre with Attendant

Counselling Room

Lecture Theatres with capacity of 180 each Conference Room with capacity of 50 each Seminar Halls with capacity of 125 each

Installation of CCTV Cameras to improve surveillance and security. Improvised cultural and sports facilities

Lecture Capturing System Central Instrumentation Facility

Green divyanjan friendly campus with Solar Panels, rain harvesting, sensor-based doors and taps.

Curriculum and Evaluation

Introduction of several new courses and programs in the University Introduction of CBCS and LOCF system and implementation of NEP-2020

Introduction of value-added courses, skill-based courses, entrepreneurship courses, internships, research projects

Interdisciplinary Open Elective Courses

Increase in number of Discipline Specific Elective Courses

Change in teaching pedagogy to Project based learning to encourage creativity and learning. Alignment of Course Outcome with Program Outcome

Feedback mechanism

Initiation of Webinars to facilitate live streaming of lecture from one point to multiple lecture theatres

Conduction of Gender Sensitization and "Know your rights" workshops for students, faculty, and non-teaching staff.

Computerization of Examination or Digitization of documents Research, Innovation & Extension

Revision in Research Policy

Establishment of Research and Development Cell

Incentive and Seed grants to faculty for quality publications and projects Establishment of Centers of Excellence

Establishment of International Relation Cell

Extension activities in nearby five villages for their development Organizations of Conferences for knowledge creation and dissemination


Academia by Serosoft: ERP system

Greater use of ICT for administrative and academic purposes Online Attendance and Result

Online Assignments: e-learning

Start-up of e-learning portal for the University- Institutional LMS-MOODLE Telly software for Finance

Robust website displaying necessary information.

Grievance redressal by submitting complaint through website.


Rich in textbooks and reference content Multiple Research Databases

eJournal and eBooks subscriptions

Newsletters, News papers, Magazines, and Other periodicals Multiple subcriptions to stay connected and updated with information

Automation of Library Management with Digital Library Management System Specialized Digital Library Segment with Divyangjan Friendly Facilities

Intellectual Capital

Induction of Recognized and Eminent Personalities as Governing Body Members, BOM, AC, BOS and Faculty Association with reputed Educational Institutes/ recognized industries

Alumni Reunions

MoUs with National and International Universities

Organization of FDPs/workshops/training programs regarding educational technologies and assessment techniques