Dr. Aditi
Assistant Professor – Humanities
Dr. Aditi has experience of research and teaching post-colonial Indian and World History. Her research is based on pragmatics of Gandhi’s Vision of Ramrajaya on contemporary Governance and Policy Paradigm in India. She has keen interest on working contemporary world dynamics and scenarios.
- Ph.D. History, (February 2022) from Jiwaji university Gwalior (M.P.) Entitled “Impact of Gandhi’s Concept of Ramrajya on Post-colonial Indian Governance”.
- Master of Arts (M.A.) in Modern History from Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University Kanpur in first Division (2014)
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with subjects like Ancient Indian History, Political Science and English Literature from Isabella Thoburn College Popularly known as I.T. College from University of Lucknow with excellent performance in history in 2011
- UGC NET in History, Nov. 2017
- ICHR-JRF2018(Indian Council of Historical Research Junior Research Fellow)
- September 2021 onwards : Gautam Buddha University ( 21 months onwards)
- Faculty History ( Department of History and Civilizations)
- September 2023 onwards: Assistant Professor History K.R. Mangalam University
- Journal Articles
- Philosophical Underpinnings of Nature Conservation and Sustainable Living Enshrined in Buddhism, Research Highlights, Vol. XI, 2024.
- Understanding ABC of NEP 2020: Academic Bank of Credit and Decoding Credit Mobility (Co-authored), Bhartiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika, Vol. 41, 2022.
- Utility of Gandhian Values during Global Emergency, International Journal of Management, Law & Science Studies, Vol. 04, 2020.
- Epidemics and Health Disasters in Indian Post-1900s and Their Handling, Journal Global Values, Vol. XI, 2020.
- Ahimsa and its Implication on the Vision of Gandhian Ramrajya, National Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018.
Book Chapters
- Gandhi and His Experiments with Ramanama, in Mahatma Gandhi from Holy Deeds to Unholy Death, 2024.
- Vision of Gandhian Ramrajya in the Context of Indian Democracy, in Mahatma Gandhi Shaswat Chintan (Post-COVID World), 2023.
- Historiography and Historical Methodology, in Innovative Research: Uniting Multidisciplinary Insights, 2024.
- International seminar on nationalism Dec 2017 , “An Analytical Study of Gandhian Ramrajya in the context of Nationalism”
- Paper presentation Entitled “Imparting Values Through Higher Education for Peaceful Global society” – National Seminar – 10th and 11th February 2018 Moradabad 244001 (U.P.)
- Paper published in National research journal of humanities and social sciences (January – may 2018), titled as “ Ahimsa and its implication on the vision of Gandhian Ramrajya”( UGC approved journal serial No. 1366) ISSN No. 2321-8282
- Paper Presentation – National Seminar 19th -20th Feb 2019, entitled “Inculcating Gandhian Values in Educational system in the era of Globalization”.
- Paper Presentation in KRG college Gwalior National seminar on paper entitled, “ Indian retaliation of colonial Forces during Gandhian Era through Gandhian methods”(Jan –Feb. 2019)
- National Seminar Hyderabad by ‘ Itihas Sankalan Society’- “Mahatma Gandhi’s role in political empowerment of women during Indian freedom struggle” (August 2019
- Multiple International and National Webinars, workshops were also attended by Dr. Aditi during Covid -19 Pandemic.
Name of Authors | Title of Paper | Journal Name Publisher, Volume, Issue/No, Year | Pages Start-End, | Category (Web Science/ Scoups/ UGC Care/ Other | |
Dr. Aditi
Prof. Rajesh Kumar Dubey |
Understanding ABC of NEP 2020: Academic Bank of
Credit and Decoding Credit Mobility |
Bhartiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika, vol. 41 (Special Issue),December, 2022 | 64-70 | UGC Care Listed | |
Aditi, Dr. Sadhana Mishra | “Utility of Gandhian Values during Global Emergency | ” in International Journal of Management, Law & Science Studies, VOL 04, ISSUE 11, July 2020. | Peer Reviewed International journal
(ISSN No. 2456-4303)
Aditi | Epidemics and Health Disasters in Indian Post 1900s and Their Handling : An assessment” | Journal Global Values vol.XI July 2020 | 6-11 | Peer Reviewed International Journal
in – A peer reviewed and referred international journal , (ISSN: (P)0976-9447 (e) 2454-8391 , Impact Factor 7.712)
Aditi and Prof.K. Ratnam | “ Ahimsa and its implication on the vision of Gandhian Ramrajya” | National research journal of humanities and social sciences (January – may 2018), | 98-101 | UGC Carelisted
( UGC approved journal serial No. 1366) ISSN No. 2321-8282 |
Books Published:-
– Mahatma Gandhi from Holy deeds to unholy Death part-1 , Chapter 23- ‘Gandhi and his experiments with Ramanama’ ISBN 978-81-947224-7-2
– Mahatma Gandhi Shaswat Chintan ( POST COVID WORLD), Chapter 17-‘ Vision of Gandhian Ramrajya in the context of Indian Democracy’ ISBN-978-93-88804-64-6