Dr. Anumeha Mathur
Assistant Professor – Management & Commerce
Dr. Anumeha is a seasoned professional with 15 years of experience in teaching and training. A passionate educator and researcher currently she is working as Assistant Professor at K. R. Mangalam University, Gurgaon, India. She has earned her doctorate from Calorx Teachers University on the topic Digital Buying Behavior of Consumers in Gujarat. She has many publications in reputed refereed and peer-reviewed International journals International National Conferences including Her areas of interest include Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Branding and Advertising.
- Ph.D. in Management, On Digital Buying Behavior of Consumers in Gujarat 2019
- Master of Business Administration, 2000-2002
- Bachelor of business Management 1997- 2000
- Worked as Associate Professor (Marketing) at St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies ( 2014- 2021)Job Profile – Teaching marketing specialization papers, Curriculum upgradation,designing and upgrading Employability Skills Program. Training the students toenhance their corporate readiness.
- Worked as a Visiting Faculty at Nirma University 2017 -19, Workshops on Business Etiquette
- Worked as Assistant Professor & Program Manager at Skylark School Of Business Technology, Gurgaon (2009-2012)
- Worked as an assistant professor at Indian Institute of Rural Management, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) from 2005-2007
- Worked at Making India Employable as Master Trainer (2007-2009)
- Worked as an assistant professor at Indian Institute of Rural Management, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) from 2005-2007
- Worked as a visiting faculty at Jodhpur University in management department 2006- 2007
- Worked as a guest faculty at learning centre of Sikkim Manipal University 2003- 2005
- Worked as a lecturer at Vidhya Bhavan Rural Institute, Mohan Lal Sukhadiya University 2002-2003
- Worked as a guest faculty at learning centre of Allahabad University 2003-2005
- Worked as a visiting faculty at Mahila Mahavidhyaliya, Jodhpur university.2005-2006
- Marketing Consumer Behaviour.
- Received the best faculty Award in IIRM
- Received Director’s Appreciation Award departmental excellence
- Presented Research paper on” Impact of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Barriers on Indian Processed Food Export Industry” at International Conference on Strategies of Development for Wholesome Life organized by MLSU , Udaipur, 10-11 June 2016.
- Presented Research paper on “Employer Branding through Social Media – Latest craze or the future of HR” at International Conference on Emerging Paradigm in Business Research organized by University College of Commerce and Management, M L Sukhadia University , Udaipur, July 30, 2015.
- Presented Research Paper on “Social Media Marketing Critical Success factor” at National Seminar organized by PDPU, Ahmedabad in August 2015
- An Analysis of the Impact of a Marketing Communication Management Method on the Purchase Behavior of Durable Consumer Goods using Machine Learning, July 2024
- Electric vehicles: A step towards economical and sustainable travel. Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics, June 2024
- Exploring the role of HRIS in enhancing talent management and employee retention strategies in the banking sector. Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics, June 2024
- Green marketing tools and their influence on consumer buying behaviour. Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas, 2024
- Adoption of HRIS in public vs. private banks: Differential impacts on HR strategies. Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas, 2024
- Spirituality and Religion Apps–The Soul Satisfying Profits. A Mathur. SKIPS Anveshan 1 (1), 2019.
- “Digital Engagement – The lakme Way” in Research Guru, UGC approved Journal, Impact Factor 3.021, ISSN 2349 266X, Volume 11, Issue 2, September 2017
- “Internet of things –The beginning of an era with endless possibilities” Manncom-An International Research Journal of Management and Commerce, Volume: 3, Special Issue: 5, January 2017.
- “To study the critical factors of Retailtainment Marketing” Chankya International Jouranl of Research, Volume-2, Issue-1- 2, December -2016 • ISSN No 2395 -2830
- “Awareness of Women Safety Products and Applications amongst Ahmedabad Women” SEMCOM Management & technology Review, Volume-3 (2), December -2015 • ISSN No 2231-5958
- “Nurturing the Sales Funnel through Social Media for Creating Brand Advocates “Global Journal For Research Analysis, Volume-5, Issue-1, January -2016 • ISSN No 2277 – 8160. Impact Factor – 4.547
- “Maggi-An entangled tale- case study” , Pacific Business Review International, Volume :1, Issue:1, June 2016, ISSN: 0974-438X. Impact factor(SJIF): 5.889