Dr. Devkanya Gupta
Assistant Professor
Devkanya Gupta Holding M.Com, M.phil Degree in commerce from Devi Ahilya University Indore ( Madhya pradesh) and she completed doctorate from Barkatullah University, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) Currently she is working at KRMU as assistant Professor in the School of Management and Commerce She presented and participated in many National and International conference .she has received young women researcher Award and outstanding contributor in education Award. she is a life member of Indian commerce Association of India.
- Ph.D (Finance)
- M.Phil
- M.Com
13 years
- Gupta Devkanya, Sharma Upasana Sharma (2020)” A Study on Impact of Government policies in Rural Women Empowerment” Published in An international open Access, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journal “International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts” ISSN:2320-2882, Paper ID: IJCRT2002002, Volume -8, Issue-2, Impact Factor
- Gupta Devkanya, Bisla Meenakshi l (2019) “Consumer Perception And Satisfaction Towards Instant Noodles” Published in Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed International Research Journal International Journal of Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field Paper ID:201906004, ISSN:2455-0620, Impact Factor: 6.497
- Gupta Devkanya, Tanwar Sheetal (2019)” A Study on the role of the corporate sector in Economic and Social Development of society: In the era of De-globalization” published in International Refereed and Indexed Research Journal of European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol-07, Issue-05 May 2019 ISSN:2235-767X, Impact Factor: 6.76
- Tiwari Anshuja, Gupta Devkanya(2017)” Profitability Analysis of Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Limited, Bhopal” Published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development ISSN print -2349-5979, Volume-4, Issue-5, Month-May 17, Impact Factor: 5.72
- Tiwari Anshuja, Gupta Devkanya(2017)” Role of Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Limited, Bhopal in development of renewable energy sources in India” Published in International Journal of Advance Research and Development ISSN 2455-4030, Volume-2, Issue-3, Month, May- Jun- 17, Impact Factor: 5.24
- Tiwari Anshuja, G Guptaa Devkanya(2015)” Madhya Pradesh Mein Urja ke Naveen Sansadhano Ke Vikas Mein Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd Bhopal Ke Bhoomika Ka Ek Adhyan “Research Paper Published in Naveen Samajik Shodh National Research Patrika, RNIMPHIN/2009/29572 ISSN-0975-4431
- Research Paper Published in ononlineournal http://www.imparc.in/proceeding.aspx
- Presented Paper in International conference on 2nd &3rd April 2022 at DPG Degree College, Gurgaon“A Study on Impact of Block Chain Technology on Medical Industry”
- Presented Paper in National Seminar at Shyama Prasad Mukherjee CollegeUnitehediversityy of Delhi on 28th February 2020” A Study on Changing Business Scenario of Handicraft Industry in India”.
- Presented Paper in International Seminar at Rukmani Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi on 21st December 2019 “A Study on Relationship between Happiness and Productivity at the workplace”.
- Presented Paper in International Conference at IMS Ghaziabad Delhi on 9th November 2019 “Impact of Digitalization on Consumer’s Preferences towards Visual Entertainment Platforms”.
- Presented paper in National seminar on 9th September 2019 at “Anand Vihar College for women, Bhopal Madhya Prade on “A Study on Government Policies in Rural Women Empowerment”.
- Attended National Seminar on “Digital Innovation: A Tool For Sustainable Development” Dated 30th March 2019 at LLDIMS, New Delhi
- Presented paper at a national seminar during the 29th-30th march,2016 at government Kalidas girls lead the college, Ujjain on “Green energy: Clean Source of Energy for Sustainable Development”
- Presented paper at a national seminar during the 3th-4th march,2016 at Bherulal Patidar government college, how district Indore on “A Study on Aajivika Skill Development program under N.R.L.M.”
- Presented paper at the national seminar during 25th-26th February 2015 at swami Vivekanand government college, Raisen, Madhya Pradesh on” economic reforms and their impact on Madhya Pradesh”
- Presented Paper at National seminar during 11th -12th March 2014 at Government Hamidia Arts & Commerce College, Bhopal on “Role of Govt. Banking Policies in Development of Financially Challenged Entrepreneur”
- Presented Paper at National seminar during 4th -5th March 2014 at Swami Vivekanand Govt college, Raisen on “ Govt Policies that bring Economic Reforms in India’s Energy Conservation Requirement”
- Presented Paper at National seminar during 13th -14th February 2014 at SHGC Bhopal on “ Bharat Mein Urja Ke Vyakalpic Stroto ke Dohan evam Vikas ka Ek Adhyan ”
- Attended National Conference on Sports Nutrition 28th Feb 2014 at SHGC, Bhopal
- Attended International seminar during 9th -10th January 2014 at VNS Institute of Management, Bhopal
- Presented Paper at National seminar during 22nd -23th February 2013 at Government college, Ghatiya, Ujjain on “ Vartman mein Ucch Shiksha Evam Uski Gunvatta ”
- Presented Paper at National seminar during 16th -18th February 2013 at Government arts & commerce college, Indore on “Recent trends in Marketing management”
- Attended national seminar on “environment and technology innovations 2016” during 5th-6th February 2016 at career college, Bhopal
- Awarded by Research Education Solution In association with Institute of Management Bhubaneswar as “Distinguished Women Academician “
- Awarded by shikshan Kalyan federation for” Outstanding Contribution in the field of Education “