Dr. Tanaya Verma
Professor & Dean
Dr. Tanaya Verma is a distinguished academic and researcher in architecture and design with over 21 years of experience. She is a practicing architect and interior designer, renowned for her diverse project portfolio. Holding a PhD in Climate responsive vernacular architecture of Bikaner, she has published extensively in national and international journals and authored book chapters. Dr. Verma’s research interests include sustainable architecture, spatial planning, housing, and design pedagogy. She is currently the Director at Amity School of Architecture and Planning & Amity School of Fine Arts, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur. Passionate about teaching, she emphasizes heritage, context, and climate in contemporary design education. Dr. Verma’s leadership roles and involvement in prestigious forums showcase her expertise in the field. she has held various leadership positions within the institution, including heading NAAC, IQAC, Examination, Board of Studies, and other academic bodies. Her involvement in the Board of Studies at different architecture schools has been instrumental in incorporating global standards and practical aspects of architecture into the curriculum.
- PhD 2022
- M.Arch 2006
- B.Arch 1999
Academic 23 years, Industry 3 yrs
Jauhari,V and Verma,T, 2014, ‘Designing Sustainable Hotels – Technical and Human Aspects’, Managing Sustainability in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Paradigms and Directions for the Future, Apple Academic Press, Inc., New Jersey, USA (expected release in Spring 2014).
International Journals – SCOPUS Indexed
- Passive Techniques for Achieving Thermal Comfort in the Vernacular Dwelling of Bikaner. International Journal on Emerging Technologies 8(1): 01-06(2017)
- Evidence Based Patient Room Design and Improving Outcomes: Case of Healthcare Facility in Saudi Arabia. S Ahmad, MA Kamal, P Sudhakaran, T Verma, S Roy Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing 6 (2), 1901-1910
- “Vernacular Havelies of Bikaner: Indigenous approach for Thermal Comfort” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-4S, March 2020 , DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1024.0394S20
- Daylight Perforation Into The Interior Spaces Of The Vernacular Haveli Of Bikaner. International Journal of Technical Research & Science (Special Issue) ISSN No.:2454-2024 (online)
- An Appraisal of Vernacular Architecture of Bikaner: Climatic Responsiveness and Thermal Comfort of Havelis: Journal of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements, ISVS e-journal, Vol. 9, no.2, April, 2022
- Navigating the Maze of Urban Voids: A Hybrid MCDM Approach for Site Selection for Urban Poor in PCMC, India. Harshad Raisoni, Tanaya Verma, Arati Petkar, Journal of Regional and City Planning, Malaysia (https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100889410).
- Unlocking Potential: Reclaiming Urban Voids for Sustainable Infrastructure Development in PCMC, India. Harshad Raisoni, Tanaya Verma, Arati Petkar, Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics (ISSN : 0975-802X, Vol. : XXVIII, No:20, 2024): https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/WebA/ViewDetails?JournalId=101026387&flag=Search
Papers in International Conference
- Verma Tanaya “Solar and green building guidelines for hot arid climate in india” Sustainable cities conference Dhaka
- Neog Dristi, VermaTanaya “Intelligent Technological Innovations for Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment: Application to the Ansal University Campus in Gurgaon, India” Extropianism Towards Convergence of Human Values and Technology, PP 255-259, 2013. Excellent Publishing House.
- “Urbanization and energy consumption: A Review of Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Neighborhood Goals” International Conference and Knowledge Series on “Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable Human Settlement” organized by Poornima University on 2nd -4th May 2024.(ISBN NO: 978-81-972088-5-0, Page no -63)
- Verma Tanaya “Nature as a Model, Measure & Mentor for Architecture” Design Art & Research, Past Present & Future conference proceeding.2015
- Verma Tanaya “An appraisal of vernacular courtyard houses in hot and arid region: a case of Bikaner” Amritsar conference proceding 2017
- Verma Tanaya “Nature as a Model, Measure & Mentor for Architecture” Design Art & Research, Past Present & Future conference proceeding.2015
- Abstract accepted for the “International Conference on Resilient and Livable City Planning –RLCP 2020” Organized by School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada. Paper titled “Climate Responsive Architecture of Haveli’s of Bikaner – A Critical Analysis”
- Abstract accepted for the “International Conference on Resilient and Livable City Planning –RLCP 2020” Organized by School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada. Paper titled “Lighting Performance Of Urban Vernacular Architecture”
Board of Studies Member: Served on the Board of Studies for various Schools of Architecture and Design, contributing to academic development and curriculum design.
Auditor for Council of Architecture: Conducted audits and inspections for several architecture schools under the Council of Architecture, ensuring quality standards and compliance.
Publications: Authored several national and international publications, contributing to research and discourse in the field of architecture and design.