Dr. Tania Gupta
Professor & Dean – Education & Humanities
Prof. Tania Gupta is Dean, School of Education & Dean, School of Humanities, Director IQAC and Former Dean, Student Welfare K. R Mangalam University, Haryana, India. She earned her doctorate in Education (Ph.D.) and Master in Education (M.Ed.) from Panjab University, Chandigarh. Her other professional qualifications include UGC NET Education, M.A. (Economics) and Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Planning and Management (PGDEPM).
Prior to her current assignments at K.R Mangalam University, she served as Principal, Army Institute of Education, Greater NOIDA (under the aegis of the Army Welfare Society affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi).
During her variegated professional experience of 23 years from school to university level, she has ceaselessly demonstrated exemplary leadership in creating the best learning environment and fostering a vibrant organizational culture with robust ethos, professional ethics, teamwork, discipline and safety, creativity and innovation. She has been the founder Editor of various national and international journals of Education. Several research papers, edited books, book chapters and patents have been published to her credit. She has been conferred with several prestigious awards.
She believes in lifelong learning and advancing education through insightful discourse and effective communication in seminars, conferences and training programmes. Her academic and research interests include education policy, higher education, economics of education, teacher education, inclusive education, educational leadership and management.
She is Vice-Chairperson of the Council for Teacher Education Foundation (CTEF), Delhi NCR Chapter & Secretary General of the Council for Teachers Professional Development (CTPD). She is a lifetime member of Eudoxia Research University, U.S.A, AIAER, GERA, CTPD and InSc.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uI_LOqIAAAAJ&hl=en
Publons: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uI_LOqIAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tania-Gupta-6
- Ph.D. (Education) from Panjab University, Chandigarh. Title: Community Perception of Commercialization of Higher Education in India (2015).
- UGC (NET) in Education (June 2007).
- Online Course on Action Research in Education from N.C.E.R.T, New Delhi (Secured Grade A) (2016).
- Master of Education (M.Ed.) in First Division from Panjab University, Chandigarh. (Specialization in Guidance and Counseling, Teacher Education) (2007).
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in First Division with distinction from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi (Specialization in Educational Planning and Administration) (2003).
- Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Planning and Management (PGDEPM) in First Division from Amity Institute of Education, Saket (2003).
- Master of Arts (M.A.) in Economics (2002).
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Honours) in Economics (1997).
- Principal, Army Institute of Education, Greater NOIDA (under aegis of Army Welfare Society) and affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi (Aug 2018-Aug 2021).
- Assistant Professor, School of Education, GD Goenka University, Sohna Road, Gurugram, Haryana (Feb 2017-Aug 2018).
- Head, Department of Teacher Education & Assistant Professor, Mewar Institute of Management, Ghaziabad affiliated to CCS University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (Oct 2010-Feb 2017).
- Lecturer (on contract), Department of Educational Planning & Administration, District Institute of Education & Training (DIET), Karkardooma, Delhi (Jul 2010-Oct 2010)
- Lecturer, Kalka Institute for Research & Advanced Studies, Kalkaji affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi (Aug 2009- Mar 2010).
- Lecturer, Ideal Institute of Management & Technology, Karkardooma affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi (Feb 2008- Aug 2009).
- Elementary Teacher, Amity International School, Mayur Vihar Delhi (Mar 2003- Jan 2008).
- Deputy Coordinator for Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) U.P. B.Ed. Counseling (District Ghaziabad) conducted by University of Lucknow (2016).
- University Paper Setter, Moderator, Evaluator, External Examiner for GGSIPU New Delhi and Several Private Universities in Delhi NCR (Aug 2018- till date).
- Paper Setter and Moderator of Question papers of various trades for All India Trade Test conducted by Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T), Ministry of Labour & Employment, and Government of India (Oct 2013-till date).
- A Study of Time Management of Higher Secondary School Teachers (Amity University, UP) (ongoing)- Co-Guide.
Dissertation Guidance
- A Study of Montessori Teachers’ Perception on Sensory Experiences through Activities in Montessori Classrooms. (2017-18).
- A Study of Montessori Teachers Perception on Instructional Leadership Practices of Montessori School Principals. (2017-18).
- Understanding Parents Choice of Montessori Education. (2017-18).
- A Study of Public Perception of Montessori Education. (2017-18).
- A Comparative Study of Early Childhood Education Curriculum in Montessori and Non- Montessori Pre-Schools of Delhi. (2017-18).
- Montessori Method of Education: A Case Study of GD Goenka Lá Petite Schools. (2017-18).
- Perception of People on Domestic Violence against Women in India. (2015-16).
- A Study of Life of Slum Dwellers in Vasundhara Area of District Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. (2015-16).
- A Study on Life of Street Children in District Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. (2015-16).
- A Study on Patterns of Alcohol Consumption among Youth of Nagaland. (2015-16).
- A Comparative Study on Selected Human Development Indicators among SAARC Countries. (2017-18).
- A Study of Project BaLA (Building as Learning Aid) in Promoting Qualitative Education in Schools. (2017-18).
- Development of Promotional Material on Girls’ Education and Empowerment with Emphasis on Rural Girls in India. (2017-18).
- Use of Academic Library: A Case Study of G D Goenka University, Haryana. (2017-18).
TV and Community Radio Programmes
- ‘Reflective Writing and Preparing e- portfolio on School Experience’, University School of Education, GGSIPU Delhi Facebook LIVE Session (15 Jul 2020).
- ‘Women Empowerment: Concept, Issues and Challenges’, University School of Education, GGSIPU Delhi Facebook LIVE Session (22 Jun 2020).
- ‘Prospects in Teacher Education’, E-School LIVE Session, You Tube (15 Jun 2020).
- ‘Children With Special Needs’ LIVE on Vagda DTH Channel 32 SWAYAM PRABHA under MHRD Project- National Mission on Education through ICT, National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) (23 Oct 2019).
- ‘Inclusive Education’ LIVE on Vagda DTH Channel 32 SWAYAM PRABHA under MHRD Project- National Mission on Education through ICT, NIOS (26 Aug 2019).
- ‘Constructivist Approach in Education’ LIVE on Vagda DTH Channel 32 SWAYAM PRABHA under MHRD Project- National Mission on Education through ICT, NIOS (15 May 2019).
- ‘Strategies of Universalization of Elementary Education’ LIVE on Vagda DTH Channel 32 SWAYAM PRABHA under MHRD Project- National Mission on Education through ICT, NIOS (03 Apr 2019).
- ‘Organizational Structure of Universalization of Elementary Education’ LIVE on Vagda DTH Channel 32 SWAYAM PRABHA under MHRD Project- National Mission on Education through ICT, NIOS (01 Apr 2019).
- ‘Nature of Social Sciences’ LIVE on Vagda DTH Channel 32 SWAYAM PRABHA under MHRD Project- National Mission on Education through ICT, NIOS (26 Dec 2018).
- Personality and Its Assessment LIVE on Radio Vahini FM Station 91.2 MHz under MHRD Project- National Mission on Education through ICT, NIOS (26 Nov 2018).
- Completed MOOC on “Open-Source Tools for Research” with Grade ‘A’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Training (PMMMNMTT) (24-30 Aug 2021).
- Completed Two Weeks Refresher Course on “Managing Online Classes & Co- creating MOOCS 7.0” with Grade ‘A+’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education, PMMMNMTT (05-19 Aug 2021).
- Completed MOOC on Academic Administration” with Grade ‘A+’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education, PMMMNMTT (03-09 Aug 2021).
- Completed MOOC on “Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education” with Grade ‘A’ organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education, PMMMNMTT (14-20 Jul 2021).
- Completed MOOC on Outcome Based Education” with Grade ‘A+’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education, PMMMNMTT (15-21 Aug 2021).
- Completed Two Weeks Refresher Course on “Social Sciences and Humanities” with Grade with Grade ‘A’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education, PMMMNMTT (12-26 Jul 2021).
- Completed MOOC Short Term Course on “Inclusive Learning Environment” organized by Inter University Centre for Disability Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala in collaboration with MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur, Mumbai (10-18 Jun 2020).
- Online Course on ‘COVID-19 Contact Tracing’ by John Hopkins University offered through Coursera. Certification received on 28 May 2020.
- Online Course on ‘Fundamentals of Storytelling in Education for Teachers and Trainers’ by University of North Carolina offered through Alison. Certification received on 19 Apr 2020.
- WHO Online Course on ‘COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to Support Country Preparedness and Response’. Certification received on 30 Mar 2020.
- Microsoft Office Specialist PowerPoint Associate achieved on 25 Jul 2021.
- Microsoft Office Specialist Word Associate achieved on 26 Jul 2021.
- Microsoft Office Specialist for Office Excel ® 2013 achieved on 24 Apr 2019.
Invited Speaker/Chair/Panelist
- Invited Speaker during webinar on ‘Learning How to Learn- Making Education Holistic, Enjoyable and Engaging’ organized by K. R Mangalam University, Gurugram on 24 Jul 2021.
- Chair of a Technical Session during Two Days National Conference on ‘Positive Psychology and Education’ organized by Bhavan’s Leelavati Munshi College of Education, New Delhi on 17-18 Jun 2021.
- Co-Chair in CEDx Webinar on ‘Revisiting Issues in Schooling Post NEP 2021’ for Session 4: ‘Reforms in Teacher Education’ organized by Global Talk Education Foundation, a Training & Assessment Unit under MSME, GoI on 28 May 2021.
- Conducted a session as Resource Person during Webinar for the Teachers of APS, APPS and ASHA schools on the topic: ‘Lesson Planning, Inclusive Language & Teaching Learning Materials for Children with Special Needs (CwSN)’ organized by FDRC, HQ AWES, Shankar Vihar, Delhi on 27 Oct 2020.
- Delivered Special Online Lecture on ‘Gender Equality- Equality has no Gender’ at JIMS, Greater NOIDA on 01 Oct 2020.
- Invited as Special Guest Speaker during Webinar on ‘National Education Policy 2020: Emergence of New India’ organized by KN Bakshi College of Education, Giridh, Jharkhand on 12 Sep 2020.
- Delivered Keynote Address on 27 Jun 2020 on the topic ‘Occupational Information: Collection, Classification and Dissemination’ during National Level Two Weeks Refresher Course organized by IQAC of IIMT Delhi and Sun Rise University, Alwar, Rajasthan.
- Panelist during Round Table on ‘Making Teaching Aspirational’ organized by CENTA Certification on 09 May 2019. Topic: ‘Building Teaching Competencies’.
- Resource Person during FDP organized by Maharishi Dayanand Vidyapeeth Inter College, Ghaziabad on 15 Mar 2019. Topic: ‘Making Learning Happen: What to do about it & what not to do?’
- Delivered Keynote Address on 27 Jun 2020 on the topic ‘Deteriorating Moral Values vis a vis Modern Indian Education System’ organized by Hierank Business School, NOIDA on 14 Sep 2019.
- Resource Person during International Conference on ‘Social Work Education and Practice’ organized by Mewar University, Rajasthan on 25 Feb 2016. Topic: ‘Issues of Educationally Backward Areas and Disadvantaged Groups.’
- Resource Person during National Workshop on Research Methodology organized by Mewar University, Rajasthan on 01-03 Sep 2015.
- Resource Person for session on ‘Techniques for preventing misbehaviour & Strategies for dealing with minor and more serious misbehaviour’ during FDP on ‘Professional Development of Teachers’ of Green Valley Educational Institute, Ellahi Bagh, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir held on 04-05 Feb 2015.
- Chaired One Week Online FDP on ‘Enhancing Qualitative Approaches in Education’ organized by Army Institute of Education from 07-13 Jun 2021.
- Keynote Speaker during Online Workshop on ‘Guidance for Psycho- social Counseling for COVID-19 positive patients and their Family Members’ organized by Army Institute of Education, Greater NOIDA in collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), Dept of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, GoI on 15 May 2021.
- Seminar Chair for National Seminar on ‘Holistic, Multidisciplinary, Inclusive & Futuristic Education: NEP 2020 in Praxis’ organized by Army Institute of Education on 04 Mar 2021.
- Chaired One Week Online FDP on ‘Education and Resilience during COVID-19 and Beyond’ organized by Army Institute of Education from 16-23 Dec 2020.
- Convened One Week Online FDP on ‘Enhancing ICT Enabled Professional Skills of Teachers’ organized by Army Institute of Education in collaboration with Microsoft Certified Partner 9 LedgePro from 12-18 Oct 2020.
- Co-Patron of 10 days Online National Workshop on ‘My Life, My Yoga’ organized by NSS Cell, Army Institute of Education in collaboration with NSS Cell, GGSIPU, New Delhi from 10-19 Aug 2020.
- Chaired Online National Workshop on ‘Gender- Based Violence and Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace’ organized by Army Institute of Education from 07-08 Aug 2020.
- Chaired Online National Sensitization Programme on ‘The Rights of the Persons with Disability Act 2016’ organized by Army Institute of Education on 25 Jul 2020.
- Convened Faculty Enrichment Programme on ‘UGC Quality Mandate- Suggested Activities’ organized by Army Institute of Education from 06-10 Jul 2020.
- Convened Faculty Enrichment Programme on ‘National Education Policy 2019 (Draft): Crafting New Directions and Dimensions for the Indian Education System’ organized by Army Institute of Education on 11-12 Dec 2019.
- Convened Faculty Enrichment Programme on ‘Persons with Disabilities’ organized by Army Institute of Education on 03 Dec 2019.
- Convened Workshop on ‘Learning Disability: Role of Teachers in Identification and Diagnosis’ organized by Army Institute of Education in collaboration with Kasturba Institute of Psychology & Behavioural Medicine on 21 Sep 2019.
- Seminar Chair for National Seminar on ‘Teacher Education in India: New Vistas, New Challenges’ organized by Army Institute of Education on 19 Sep 2019.
- Convened Workshop on ‘Child Abuse and Protection of Child Rights’ organized by Army Institute of Education in collaboration with Human Touch Foundation on 09 Sep 2019.
- Conference Chair for International Conference on ‘Innovative and Creative Teaching and Learning’ organized by Army Institute of Education on 30 Mar 2019.
- Organized Workshop on ‘Mindfulness and Inner Transformation’ at Army Institute of Education in collaboration with Sahaj Yoga Research Centre on 04 Sep 2019.
- Organized Workshop on ‘First Aid’ at Army Institute of Education in collaboration with Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi Cantt on 25 Feb 2019.
- Seminar Chair for National Seminar on ‘Enhancing Equity, Excellence, Quality and Innovation in Teacher Education’ organized by Army Institute of Education on 21 Feb 2019.
- Organized Workshop on ‘Promoting Inter-Generational Bonding between the Young and the Old’ at Army Institute of Education in collaboration with AIWEFA and supported by NISD, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GoI on 31 Jan 2019.
- Convened National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) sponsored Workshop ‘VRIDHEE: Virtual Resources for Individualized Development and Holistic Educational Endeavour’ organized by School of Education, G D Goenka University, Sohna- Gurugram, Haryana on April 23, 2018.
- Convened National Conference on ‘Role of Women in Development and Advancement through 5 Es: Equality, Education, Emancipation, Employment and Empowerment’ organized by School of Education, G D Goenka University, Sohna- Gurugram, Haryana on 06 Oct 2017.
- Convened National Seminar on Examination Reforms- An Approach to Academic Excellence organized by KIRAS, New Delhi on 20 Feb 2010.
Participation in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/FDP
- Participated in National FDP on ‘Idea of a University’ organized by School of Education, GD Goenka University, Haryana from 19-23 Jul 2021.
- Participated in FDP on ‘Building Emotional Intelligence and Resilience Case Method of Experiential Teaching and Learning’ organized by MGNCRE, DHE, Ministry of Education, GOI from 10-14 May 2021.
- Participated in National Webinar on ‘International and National Policies and Legislative Provisions for Persons with Disabilities’ organized by SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai from 05-07 May 2021.
- Participated in National Workshop on ‘Gender Budgeting’ sponsored by Ministry of Women and Child Development, GOI and organized by Department of Social Work, University of Lucknow from 22-24 Feb 2021.
- Participated in International Conference on ‘Gender Mainstreaming: Global Perspectives’ organized by BTTC College, HNSC University Mumbai in collaboration with Department of Women’s Studies, University of Calicut and University of Johannesburg from 02-03 Feb 2021.
- Participated in Six Days International Workshop on ‘Social and Emotional Learning in Early Years Education for Positive Life Outcomes’ organized by Samanta Education (India) in association with constituent colleges of HSNC University, Mumbai from 18-23 Jan 2021.
- Participated in 4th National Teachers Congress on ‘NEP 2020: Opportunities Unlocked’ organized by MIT World Peace University, Pune from 15-18 Dec 2020.
- Participated in International Summit on ‘Quality Indices in Higher Education-2020’ organized by Delhi Technological University, Delhi on 06-07 Nov 2020.
- Participated in National Workshop on ‘Development and Standardization of Tools for Research in Social Sciences’ organized by School of Education, Central University of Jammu from 16-18 Jun 2020.
- Participated in e-learning Workshop on ‘Design, Development and Delivery of Online Course’ organized by SCEL, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from 11-12 Jun 2020.
- Participated in Workshop on ‘Creative Adaptation-Reaching Out through Digital Classrooms’ organized by St. Thomas College of Teacher Education and UGC-HRDC, University of Kerala from 19-25 May 2020.
- Participated in One Week FDP on ‘Design and Development of MOOCs and e-Learning Technologies’ organized by School of Education, GGSIPU from 10-16 May 2020.
- Participated in Principal’s Conference on ‘Cyber Awareness and Responsibility’ organized by Grads International School, Greater Noida on 18 Jan 2020.
- Participated in National Conference on ‘Skill Development of Women with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Issues and Challenges’ organized by Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Amity University, Noida, U.P in association with National Commission for Women, GoI on 09-10 Jan 2020.
- Participated in International Conference on ‘Journey of Teacher Education: Local to Global’ organized by NCTE on 17-18 Aug 2019.
- Participated in National Workshop on ‘Qualitative Research in Social Sciences’ with focal theme ‘Equity and Social Justice’ organized by Centre for Academic Leadership & Education Management, Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh under PMMMMNNTT Scheme, MHRD, GoI from May 20-26, 2019.
- Participated in Principal’s Meet on ‘Higher Education for Shaping the Future of India’ organized by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPHDE), UGC- HDRC, University of Delhi on 25 Mar 2019.
- Participated in Workshop on ‘Learning Disability: Identification, Assessment & First Level Psychological Aid’ organized by Kasturba Institute of Psychology & Behavioural Medicine, Greater NOIDA on 20 Apr 2019.
- Participated in National Workshop on ‘Writing and Publishing a Research Paper’ funded under CPE grant of UGC by VMLG PG Girls College, Ghaziabad on 15-16 Feb 2019.
- Participated in Workshop on ‘Action Research: Enhancing Professional Growth and Development’ organized by Institute of Professional Excellence & Management on 01-02 May 2015.
- Participated in Training Workshop on ‘Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013’ organized by National Law University, New Delhi on 06-07 Oct 2018.
- Participated in FDP on ‘Research Methodologies in Humanities and Social Sciences’ organized by ASC, Amity University, U.P on 04-05 Jun 2013.
- Participated in FDP on ‘Transforming Teacher Education: Crafting Directions for Change’ organized by Amity Institute of Education, Delhi on 10-11 Dec 2012.
- Participated in Department of Science & Technology (DST), Ministry of Science & Technology, GoI sponsored National Workshop on ‘Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights’ at Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan on 02 Apr 2012.
- Participated in Workshop on ‘Development of Tools in Educational Research’ organized by University School of Education, GGSIP University, Delhi on 29-30 Apr 2010.
- Participated in National Seminar on ‘Strengths of the Indian Education System viz-a viz The Western Education System’ organized by Amity Institute of Education, Delhi on 08 Apr 2010.
- Participated in International Conference on ‘Digital Libraries: Shaping the Information Paradigm’ organized by TERI & IGNOU, New Delhi from 23-26 Feb 2010.
- Attended Lecture on ‘Neo-liberalism, Neo-conservatism: The Production of Inequalities in Education’ by Prof. Michael W. Apple, Professor of Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Policy Studies, University of Wisconsin, USA organized by Department of Educational Research and Policy Perspectives (DERPP), NCERT, New Delhi on 21 Oct 2009.
- Besides participated in more than 100 e-conferences, seminars, workshops, FDP and Webinars on ICT in Education, Special Needs Education, Inclusive Education, Pedagogy, Learner Assessment, Holistic Wellbeing.
Paper Presentations
- Domestic Violence in India: Voices of Men and Women’ presented during National Conference on Role of Women in Development and Advancement through 5 Es: Equality, Education, Emancipation, Employment and Empowerment organized by School of Education, G D Goenka University, Sohna- Gurugram, Haryana on 06 Oct 2017.
- ‘Enhancing Livelihood Opportunities and Workforce Participation of Persons with Disabilities in India’ presented during National Conference on Skill Development: A Dynamic Approach towards Inclusive Society for Persons with Disability organized by Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Amity University, Noida, U.P. on 21-22 Nov 2015.
- ‘Social Construction of Gender in India and Its Impact on Girls’ Education’ presented during Seminar on Educational Reconstruction through NCF-2005 organized by Department of Education, MIM, Ghaziabad, U.P on 10 Oct 2015.
- ‘Developing Teacher Professionalism and Engaging in Continuous Research in Education for Career Advancement’ presented during National Seminar on Meaningful Teaching & Skill-Based Education organized by Department of Education, MIN, Ghaziabad, U.P on 10 Jul 2015.
- ‘Participatory Learning is Joyful Learning’ presented during National Seminar on Participatory Teaching & Learning in School: Significance & Constraints organized by Department of Education, MIM, Ghaziabad, U.P on 28 May 2014.
- ‘Nurturing Gender Awareness and Sensitization in Educational Institutions’ presented during International Seminar on Psychological Development of Students in and outside the classroom organized by Department of Education, IIMT, Delhi on 22 Jan 2014.
- ‘Approaches to overcome Challenges for Ensuring Quality in Teacher Education’ presented during NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on Quality in Higher Education: Identifying, Developing and Sustaining Best Practices organized by Amity Institute of Education, Delhi on 16-17 May 2013.
- ‘Holistic Approach for fostering Quality in Teacher Education ‘presented during National Seminar on Holistic Approach of Empowering Teacher Education organized by Department of Education, MIM, Ghaziabad, U.P on 11 May 2013.
- ‘Re- inventing Professionalism of Teacher Educators for Better Teacher –Student Relationships’ presented during National Seminar on Teacher- Student Relationships: Causes and Consequences organized by Department of Education, IIMT, Delhi on 22 Jan 2013.
- ‘Community Perception of Phenomenal Growth in Private Tutoring among Elementary and Secondary School Learners’ presented during National Seminar on Falling Standards in School Education: Absenteeism and Shift towards Private Tuitions organized by Department of Education, MIM, Ghaziabad, U.P on 26 May 2012.
- ‘Re- Inventing Professionalism in Teacher Educators: A Need for bringing Innovation in Teaching-Learning Process ‘presented during National Conference on New Perspectives and Innovations in Higher Education organized by Department of Education, SRM University, NCR Campus, Modinagar, U.P.on 07 Apr 2012.
- ‘Empowering Teachers through Reflective Practice’ presented during National Seminar on Re- Inventing Professionalism of the Contemporary Teacher organized by Amity University, U.P on 25 Mar 2011.
- ‘Assessing Life Skills for Co- Scholastic Development of Learners’ presented during National Seminar on Examination Reforms- An Approach to Academic Excellence organized by KIRAS, New Delhi on 20 Feb 2010.
- ‘Right to Education: Unfulfilled Promises and The Struggle Ahead’ presented during National Seminar on Right to Education: Issues and Challenges organized by Army Institute of Education, Delhi on 22 Dec 2009.
- ‘Reflective Practice for Teacher Empowerment’ presented during National Seminar on Empowering Teachers for the Millennium Classrooms organized by Amity University, U.P on 16 Apr 2009.
- Gupta, T., Karun, K., Sahay. S. (2021). Holistic Multidisciplinary Inclusive and Futuristic Education: NEP 2020 in Praxis. Delhi Area Printing Press, Delhi Cantonment. ISBN: 978-93-5473-542-4.
- Gupta, T., Tiwari, J., Sharma. N. (2020). Teacher Education in India: New Vistas, New Challenges. Delhi Area Printing Press, Delhi Cantonment. ISBN: 978-93-5406-158-5.
- Gupta, T., Guleria, K., Karun, K. (2019). Enhancing Equity Excellence Quality and Innovation in Teacher Education. Delhi Area Printing Press, Delhi Cantonment. ISBN: 978-93-5361-709-7.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Gupta, T. (2020). Rethinking Education Policy for the Future. In George, A. Ajmera, S., Meregu, R. and Najvallil, J. (Ed.) Education for Future: An Archive for Humanities, Science and Technology for Sustainable Development. New Delhi: SM Books and Publication, 407-412. ISBN: 978-93-88989-61-9.
- Gupta, T. (2020). Lesson Planning, Inclusive Language and Teaching Learning Material for Children with Special Needs. In Tiwari, J. (Ed.) Creating an Inclusive Educational Society. 229-247. Delhi: Saad Publications. ISBN: 978-93-80633-64-0
- Gupta, T. (2016). Enhancing Livelihood Opportunities and Workforce Participation of Persons with Disabilities in India. In Singh, J.P. and Pujari, J. (Ed.) Skill Development: A Dynamic Approach Towards Inclusive Society for Persons with Disability. Delhi: S.R Publishing House. 71-80. ISBN:9789382 884392.
- Gupta, T. (2009). A Constructivist Approach in Teaching Values in Education. In Mehrotra, A. (Ed.) Constructivism and Its Implication to Teacher Education. New Delhi: Kalka Education Society. 147-160.
- Gupta, T. (2018). A Study on Accessibility of Educational Loans in India for Financing Higher Education. Review of Research, September, Vol 7(12), 1-13.
- Gupta, T. (2018). The Marketization of Higher Education. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, September, Vol 5 (3), 1-8.
- Gupta, T. (2016). Street Children in India. Eduvision, Vol 3(2), December, 107-121.
- Gupta, T. (2016). A Study of Perception of Students on Affordability, Financing and Privatization of Higher Education in India. International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences, Vol 3(3), March, 1-15.
- Gupta, T. (2016). Recent Trends in Indian Higher Education System. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, Vol. 3 (1), March, 44-49.
- Gupta, T. (2015). Putting Higher Education in India on Sale: Conflicting Judgments and Enabling Legislations. Mewar Journal of Law, Vol 2, December, 12-21.
- Gupta, T. (2015). Pedagogic Reforms in Teaching Economic at School Level and in Teacher Education. Eduvision, Vol 3(1), December, 44- 52.
- Gupta, T. (2015). Promoting Commercialization through Internationalization of Higher Education. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research, Vol 4 (4), December, 36-39.
- Gupta, T. (2015). The Genesis and Growth of Commercialization of Higher Education. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies, Vol 2(6), November- December, 4-16.
- Gupta, T. (2015). The Perils of Commercialization of Higher Education. International Journal of Research in Research, Engineering & Social Sciences, Vol 5 (10), October, 1-8.
- Gupta, T. (2015). Shrinking Fiscal Space for Higher Education in India: Trends and Policy Initiatives. Eduvision, Vol 2(1).
- Gupta, T. (2014). Commercialization of Higher Education in India: Genesis and Trends in Growth. Eduvision, Vol 2(1), May, 9-16.
- Gupta, T. (2014). Perception of Teachers on Commercialization of Higher Education in India. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research Vol 3 (1), March, 75- 77.
- Gupta, T. (2013). Holistic Approach for Fostering Quality in Teacher Education Eduvision, Vol 2(2), November, 44-52.
- Gupta, T. (2013). Re-inventing Professionalism of Teacher Educators for better Teacher- Student Relationship. IIMT Journal of Education, Vol 3 (1), August, 69-81.
- Gupta, T. (2013). Reflective Practice for Teacher Empowerment. Eduvision, Vol 1, May, 61-69.
- Gupta, T. (2012). The Challenges of Implementing Effective Pedagogy for Educating Rural India. IIMT Journal of Education, Vol 2, August, 94-102.
- Gupta, T. (2011). From Excellent Teaching to Excellent Learning: Practicing what we preach. IIMT Journal of Education, Vol 1, August 40-47.
- Gupta, T. (2010). GATS and the Commercialization of Higher Education in India. IIMT Journal of Management, Vol 1.
- Editor-in-Chief of EDUSPECTRA: Interdisciplinary Journal of Education. ISSN: 2394-9430. Vol 7 (2021), Vol 6 (2020), Vol 5 (2019), Vol 4 (2018).
- Editor-in-Chief of VIVAKSHA- AIE Annual Magazine. 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21.
- Editor-in-Chief of SANKALAN: AIE Newsletter. Vol 8, Issue 2, Jan-Jun 2021; Vol 8, Issue 1, Jul-Dec 2020; Vol 7, Issue 2, Jan-Jun 2020; Vol 7, Issue 1, Jul-Dec 2019; Vol 6, Issue 2, Jan-Jun 2019; Vol 6, Issue 1, Jul-Dec 2018.
- Founder Editor of EDUVISION: Mewar Journal of Education. ISSN: 2320-933X. Vol. 3, Issue 2, December 2016; Vol. 3, Issue 1, December 2015; Vol. 2, Issue 2, May 2015; Vol. I, Issue 1, May 2013.
- Founder Editor of ARUNIMA- The Dawn. IIMT Annual Magazine. Vol 1 (2009), Vol 2 (2008).
- PRAGATI: Annual Newsletter of Amity International School, Mayur Vihar, Delhi. 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2007-08.
General Articles
- Revisiting Issues in Schooling post NEP 2020: Reforms in Teacher Education. EDUCATION Magazine, Vol XIII, Issue 13, Jul 2021, 27-28.
- Special Educators for Driving Inclusive Education. Arivoli, AWES Annual Magazine 2019-20.
- An Intolerant India! Mewar Vision, MIM Annual Magazine 2014-15.
- In Pursuit of a Worthy Goal. Mewar Vision, MIM Annual Magazine 2010-11.
- Am I a Teacher? Mewar Vision, MIM Annual Magazine 2010-11.
- Peace is Just a Thought Away. Arunima, IIMT Annual Magazine 2009-10
- Winter always turns into Spring. Arunima, IIMT Annual Magazine 2009-10
- Will Education ever be a Fundamental Right in India? Arunima, IIMT Annual Magazine 2008-09.