Mr. Mohit Agrawal
Assistant Professor – Medical & Allied Sciences
Mr. Agrawal has area of research interest in Neuroscience, Neuropharmacology, Movement disorder, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychological Disorders, Depression studies etc. He has work experiences of Behavioral screening models for learning & Memory.
Mr. Agrawal has conferred with “BEST RESEARCHER AWARD” in 2023 at B.M. Institute of Engineering & Technology (Affiliated by Indraprastha University, New Delhi) in recognition of outstanding, unwavering commitment and valuable contribution in the field of research.
Mr. Agrawal has conferred with YOUNG ACHEIVER AWARD in 2022 for outstanding performance in research from PRISAL International Conference-2022, Bangkok (Thailand). He has Received Travel Grant/Fellowship (Worth 7000 USD) from AAIC 2022 (Alzheimer’s Association International Conference), San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Mr. Agrawal has attended as a “Researcher” to present research work on Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease in International Conference of AAIC 2022 at California, USA. He has Invited as “Resource Person” in many International & National conferences, workshop etc. Mr. Agrawal has been Published more than 25 Research & Review Articles in the Reputed National & International Journals & He has published one High Impact research paper with 16.65 with WILEY, USA.
He has an Editor & authored of many books in the domain of Pharmacology & Neuropharmacology with National & International Publications. He has Published 03 Indian Patent, IPR, Govt. of India. He has written many national & International book chapters & published with reputed journal like Springer (Singapore), Elsevier (USA) & Taylor & Francis, London (UK), Bentham Sciences (UAE), WILEY.
- Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Science (Pursuing) from Faculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Dehradun (UK).
- Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in Pharmacology from Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology, MRS Punjab Technical University, Punjab with First Rank with Distinction in 2019.
- Bachelor of pharmacy (B.Pharm) from Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, GLA University with First Division in 2017.
- He has area of research interest in Neuropharmacology, Movement disorder, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychological Disorders, Depression studies etc. He has work experiences of Behavioral screening models for learning & Memory and surgeries on small animals like Stereotaxic cannulation, Middle cerebral artery occlusion & bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (BCCAO). Major research in Phytochemical screening & Pharmacological screening of drugs, Pharmacological screening of herbal, semi-synthetic & synthetic drugs in animal models of various diseases like cognitive impairment related disorders, epilepsy, Depression, movement disorders (Huntington’s diseases & Parkinson’s diseases).
- YOUNG ACHEIVER AWARD 2022 for outstanding performance in research from PRISAL International Conference-2022, Bangkok (Thailand).
- Received International Grant/Fellowship (Worth 7000 USD) from AAIC 2022 (Alzheimer’s Association International Conference), San Diego, California, USA.
- Attended as a “Researcher” to present research work on Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease in International Conference of AAIC 2022 at California, USA.
- Invited as “Resource Person” in IPGA Sponsored National Conference on “Contemporary challenges & Opportunities in Pharmacovigilance & Clinical Research” April 2023 at Sharda Group, Anand college of Pharmacy, Agra (UP).
- Invited as “Scientific Evaluation Session Chair” in the IPGA Sponsored International Conference on “Fostering high Quality clinical Research for a Healthier World” at NIMS Institute of Pharmacy, NIMS University, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
- Invited as “Jury Scientific Session” in the 1st AMR International Conference on “Antimicrobial Resistance and Gut Microbiome: Rationalizing Prescriptions in Clinical Practices” in association with IPA at Metro College of Health Sciences & Research, Greater Noida (UP).
- Invited as “Conference Speaker” in International Conference 2022 on “Expanding Multi Disciplinary Approaches for Healthcare & Wellness” at Bangkok (Thailand).
- Invited as “Conference Speaker” & Attended International Conference which was held at 08-09th Dec, 2022 Bangkok, Thailand. Conference theme “Expanding multidisplinary approaches for healthcare & wellbeing”
- Invited as “Poster Evaluator” & Attended in International Conference on “Fostering high-quality clinical research for a healthier world” which was held at NIMS University on 26th Nov, 2022.
- Attended a 2nd North Zone Conference (CME) association with Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS) on “Advancement in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology” at M. M. College of Pharmacy, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be university), Mullana – Ambala, Haryana (India), 15th– 16th Feb, 2019.
- Attended one day National seminar on “Role of Healthcare Professional for a Healthy India” held at Adesh Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical Sciences, Adesh University, Bathinda (Punjab), 14th Dec, 2018.
- Attended a two day conference on “Role of Clinical Pharmacist in Advancing Health Care (RCPHC’2018)” organized by Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, 26-27 Oct, 2018.
- Author’s Workshop on Scholarly Writing & Intellectual Ethics, held at Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda, 24th Aug., 2018.
- IPR-AWAKE Awareness Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights, held at Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda, 19th March, 2018.
- 1st National Conference of Advanced Institute of Pharmacy (NCAIP-2016) on “Pharmaceutical Sciences Research: Drug Development, Validation and Analytical Methods” held at Advanced Institute of Pharmacy, Haryana, 24th Dec, 2016.
- National Seminar on “Prevention and Treatment of Cancer by Nano materials and other Molecules” held at Department of Chemistry & Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, GLA University, Mathura, 12-13, Nov, 2016.
- Three Days National Conference on “ACCUSTOMING PHARMACEUTICAL PROFESSIONAL WITH UPCOMING FUTURE CHALLENGES” organized by Gurunanak College of Pharmacy, Nagpur Affiliation with EBA Oxford Award, Cannes, France held on 29th – 31st May, 2020.
- International Webinar Conference on GLOBAL RESPONSE TO COVID-19 held on 23rd May, 2020 Organized by International Institute of Health Science (IIHS), SRILANKA.
- Conference of “IPR-AWAKE” Awareness Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights organized by Intellectual Property Right Cell, MRSPTU, Bathinda (Punjab) in association with Research & Development Division, MRSPTU Sponsored by Patent Information Cell, Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, Chandigarh held on March 19th, 2018.
- International WER-CONFERENCE on The Expert Opinion: Exploring Clinical & Pharmaceutical Industries with Future Endeavour & Opportunities after COVID-19 Pandemic Organized by Operant Pharmacy Federation in Collaboration with Department of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology & Management held on 02 June, 2020.
- Attending & Successfully Completing e- Faculty Advancement Initiative – A Series of Online Training Offered by Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) ODISHA Branch in association with APTI Central conducted between 26 to 29 May, 2020 & THE THEME: Road Ahead, Scope of Online Teaching Advancement Organized by APTI, ODISHA State Branch.
- Five days National Level e-Faculty Development Programme on “COVID-19 Outbreak: Challenges & Opportunities in Higher Education” Organized by B.R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur and Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal (M.P.) During 01st to 05th June, 2020.
- Mohit Agrawal, “Fingolimod (FTY720) offers Neuroprotection against AlCl3 induced Experimental Dementia in Rats” Journal: Alzheimer’s & Dementia (The Journal of Alzheimer’s Association) WILEY. IF 16.65 (SCI)
- Mohit Agrawal, Yogendra Singh “Estimating the correlation between TYG and CIMT in non-diabetic adult patients” Journal: Obesity Medicine, Elsevier. IF 2.86 (Scopus & Quartile 2)
- Mohit Agrawal, Priyanka Chandolia, “Neuroprotective Potential of Fingolimod against Aluminium Chloride induced experimental dementia in rats” Journal: Alzheimer’s & Dementia (The Journal of Alzheimer’s Association) WILEY. IF 16.65 (SCI & Quartile 1)
- Priyanka Chandolia & Mohit Agrawal “Neuroinflammatory Biomarkers Aspects in Huntington Diseases” Journal of Pharma & Biomedical Insight, 2021
- Mohit Agrawal “Evaluation of Anti Arthritic Activity of Leaves Extracts of Neolamarckia cadamba” Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT), 2021. IF 1.20 (Scopus)
- Mohit Agrawal, “A study on Anti- inflammatory Activity of Stem Bark Extracts of Holoptelea Integrifolia” Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT), 2021. IF 1.20 (Scopus)
- Mohit Agrawal “A Conceptual review towards gut Microbiota disruption in Covid 19 or post covid illness association with severity biomarkers: A possible role of pre/probiotics in manipulating microbiota” Journal of Microbial Pathogenesis, Elsevier, 2021 IF 3.738
- Mohit Agrawal “A proposed study of azithromycin for interruption of future predictive hyperglycemia and associated stress response mediated apoptosis in pre early stages SARS CoV-2 attack related new onset of diabetes” Journal of Diabetic Medicine, WILEY, 2021 IF 4.359
- Mohit Agrawal, Manmohan Singhal “Role of Sphingolipid Metabolism Played in Neurodegenerative Disease: A Descriptive Review” Journal: NeuroQuantology (A journal of Neuroscience) Indexed in Scopus