Ms. Lucky Verma
Assistant Professor
Ms. Lucky Verma has 11+ years of experience in the field of education. Ms Lucky Verma is pursuing Phd from Manav Rachna University and done her Masters from Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan and graduation from Gautam Budh technical university. She has 10+ publication with 130+ citations in various national and international journal and conferences. She has guided many research projects. Her area of interest is Deep Leaning, Machine Leaning, Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing.
- Btech from GBTU in 2011
- Mtech from Jaypee university, solan in 2014
- Phd persuing from MRIIS, Faridabad
- DCTM, Palwal- 1yr
- EIT, Faridabad- 5yr
- TMU, Moradabad- 2.5yr
- VIT, Meerut- 1yr
- JUIT, solan- 2yrs
- Design an intelligent suspicious activity detection system.
- “Avalanche parameters for deploying sensor nodes in snow bound region” in IEEE international conference of SMART 5- November,2016.
- “A Clustering based Intrusion Detection System for Storage Area Network” in International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 88 – November 9, 2014
- “A Comparative Study of Cyber Physical Cloud, Cloud of Sensors and Internet of Things: Their Ideology, Similarities and Differences” in Fourth IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference, February 2014 [Indexed in SCOPUS]
- “A Neural Network Based Intrusion Detection System for Pervasive Computing Environment”, in Elsevier International Conference on Communication and Computing, June 2014.
- “Smart Human Security Framework Using Internet of Things, Fog and Cloud Computing” in Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 321, 2015, pp 251-263, September 2014 [Indexed in ISI, SCOPUS, DBLP, EI-Compendex]
- Member of ICAC international conference held in TMU organized by CCSIT, Mar-2017
- Member of SMART 5 IEEE international conference held in TMU organized by CCSIT, Nov- 2016
- Member of ICAC international conference held in TMU organized by CCSIT, Mar-2016
- Member of SMART 4 international conference held in TMU organized by CCSIT, Nov-2015
- Volunteer at Second IEEE International ICIIP conference at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (H.P), 9-11 December, 2013
- Volunteer at Second IEEE International PDGC conference at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (H.P), 5-8 December, 2012
- Gate qualified
- UGC Net Qualified
- Worked as head of department of computer science dept. in Delhi College of technology and management.