Prof. Manoj M. Gadewar
Professor – Medical & Allied Sciences
An accomplished researcher, with expertise in nano-biotechnology, pharmacology and pre-clinical study design for execution in the process of drug development, he has more than fifteen years of experience in academia and research. Has completed PhD from IIT, Guwahati and published more than 30 research papers in various journals of international repute, published 2 book chapters and 3 patents. Sir has more than 800 citations and cumulative impact factor of 40 and H-index of 10.
- PhD- IIT, Guwahati- 2017
- M. Pharmacy (Pharmacology)-JSS College of Pharmacy
- Ooty- 2007 B. Pharmacy- Pune University- 2003
- 15.6 Years
- Nano-biotechnology
- Nano-toxicology
- Preclinical pharmacology
- Metabolic pharmacology
- Isolation of bioactive compounds for screening of various diseases
- Manoj Gadewar, ArunGoyal, Utpal Bora. 2014. Novel Herbal Drug Delivery System. 4th Biennial International Conference on New Development in Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Traditional Medicine. NIPER, Mohali. 20-22nd Nov 2014.
- Manoj Gadewar, E. P. Kumar. 2007. Review on anti-diabetic herbs used by Tribal community of Nilgiris district in Tamil Nadu. 2nd International Conference and Indo- Canadian Satellite Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural Health Products held at JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty from 22-24 Feb 2007.
- National Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights held at National Institute of Technology, Warngal from 15-16th Feb 2008
- International pharma webinar on “Challenges and Oppurtinities for Developing Safe and Effective Natural Products” Organized by MNR College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad. 27th May 2020
- International pharma webinar on “Role of the Brains Garbage Men in the Nose to Brain Transport of Polymeric Nanoparticles” Organized by MNR College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad. 22th May 2020.
- Attended Webinar on “Scope of Pharmacy Profession beyond Healthcare” Organized by Dept. of pharmacy practice, SSM College of pharmacy, Erode. 29th July 2020.
- Attended Webinar on “Biologicals and Cell Therapy” Organized by Dept of Pharmacy Practice, SSM college of Pharmacy, Erode. 1st Aug 2020.
- Participated in “Chem. Quiz 2020-qSAR and Drug Designing” Organized by Dept of Pharmacy Practice, SSM college of Pharmacy, Erode. 6th Aug 2020.
- E-FDP on Impact of Interdisciplinary Research in Drug Discovery and Development. School of Medical and Allied sciences, K.R. Mangalam University, Gurgaon.20-24th July 2020
- Webinar on Teaching in Digital Era conducted by TCS-ION. 25 April 2020
- Attended Webinar on “Inevitable Disruption and Preventive Chaos” delivered by Dr. B. Suresh on 29th April 2020 organized by JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysore.
- Attended FDP on “Best practices in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Rights in the Pharmaceutical sector: Prospective Trends” conducted by Amity University, Noida from July 05 to 09, 2021
- Attended FDP on “Developing Excellence in Research & Academic Leadership: Opportunities and Challenges” Organized by Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s, College of Pharmacy, Pune from 21 to 26 June 2021.
- AICTE ATAL Online FDP on Computational Synthetic & Systems Biology conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati from 26-30 July 2021
- Virtual Faculty Development Programme on the theme of “Current Trends in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs: Reforming Pharmacy Education” organized by SMAS, KR Mangalam University, Gurgaon from 26-30 July 2021
Guest Lectures:
- Delivered a webinar on Learn to Design Research Project School of Medical and Allied sciences, K.R. Mangalam University, Gurgaon. 9th May 2020
- Delivered guest lecture on topic “Animal Models in Drug Discovery and Development” at International web course on preclinical studies in biomedical research and regenerative medicine organized by Lakhimpur College of Veterinary Science, Lakhimpur, 28th Aug
- 2020.
- Delivered lecture on Artificial intelligence in health care organized by Sarswati College of Pharmacy, Hapur (Utter Pradesh) on 10th April 2021
- Recipient of National Doctoral Fellowship by AICTE, New Delhi, for Ph.D. studies.
- Qualified GATE- 2003 examination conducted by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai, with AIR 726.
- Qualified GPAT-2013 with AIR 1927.
- Received scholarship for Post Graduate Studies (2005-2007) from “All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)”, New Delhi, India.
- Received “Sir Ratan Tata Trust Scholarship” during M. Pharmacy (2006-2007).
- Received National Talent Scholarship in SSC (1996) and HSC (1998).
- Sachin Kumar Singh, Kiran Thakur, Vishal Sharma, Manoj Gadewar. Exploring the multifaceted potential of chlorogenic acid: Journey from nutraceutical to nanomedicine. South African Journal of Botany, 159 (2023), 658-677 (IF-3.01)
- Shobha Nagarajaiah, N Nanda, Praveen Manjappa, Bhangi Mutta Nagabhushana, Manoj Gadewar, Srilatha Rao, Prashanth Gopala Krishna. Evaluation of apoptosis in human breast cancer cell (MDA-MB-231) induced by ZnO nanoparticles synthesized using Piper betle leaf extract as bio-fuel. Applied Physics A, 129(6), 461 (IF-2.98)
- Gadewar MM, G K P, Mishra PC, Ashraf GM, Almashjary MN, Harakeh S, Upadhye V, Dey A, Singh P, Jha NK, Jha SK. Evaluation of Antidiabetic, Antioxidant and Anti-Hyperlipidemic Effects of Solanum indicum Fruit Extract in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Current Issues in Molecular Biology. 2023; 45(2):903-917 (IF-2.97)
- Singh L, Nair L, Kumar D, Arora MK, Bajaj S, Gadewar M, Mishra SS, Rath SK, Dubey AK, Kaithwas G, Choudhary M and Singh M (2023) Hypoxia induced lactate acidosis modulates tumor microenvironment and lipid reprogramming to sustain the cancer cell survival. Front. Oncol. 13:1034205 (IF-5.74)
- Vashist, S., Gadewar, M. M. (2023). Preparation and Characterization of Mucoadhesive Proniosomal Gel of Curcumin with Thiolated Chitosan for the Treatment of Oral Mucositis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 13(3), 666–672.
- Prashanth, G.K., Sathyananda, H.M., Manoj Gadewar, Prashanth, P.A. (2022). Controlled synthesis of Ag/CuO nanocomposites: Evaluation of their Anti-Mycobacterial, Anti-Oxidant, and Anti-Cancer Activities. Appl. Phys. A 128, 614 (IF-2.98).
- Vijay Upadhyay; Abhijit Dey; Pallavi Singh; Niraj Kumar Jha; Saurabh Kumar Jha Krishna PG, Chandra Mishra P, Naika MM, Gadewar M, Ananthaswamy PP, Rao S, Boselin Prabhu SR, Yatish KV, Nagendra HG, Moustafa M, Al-Shehri M, Jha SK, Lal B and Stephen Santhakumari SM. (2022). Photocatalytic Activity Induced by Metal Nanoparticles Synthesized by Sustainable Approaches: A Comprehensive Review. Front. Chem. 10:917831 (IF-5.54).
- Singh L, Bajaj S, Gadewar M, Verma N, Ansari MN, Saeedan AS, Kaithwas G and Singh M (2021) Modulation of Host Immune Response Is an Alternative Strategy to Combat SARS-CoV-2 Pathogenesis. Front. Immunol. 12:660632. (IF-8.78)
- Raj P, Lal B, Gadewar M, Singh A. and Prashanth GK. (2022). Cisplatin and Nano-particle Formulations of Cisplatin for Cancer Therapy: A Review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(14A), pp. 34-49.
- Lal B, Gadewar M. (2022). Novel Approaches for Covid-19 Treatment. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(2), pp.276-289
- Lal B, Gadewar M, Garg, A. (2022). Development and Evaluation of Self Emulsified Drug Delivery System of Embelin for the Treatment of Amoebiasis. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 14(3), 141–152.
- Lal B, Gadewar M. (2022). Transdermal Drug Delivery System: A Novel Alternative for Drug Delivery”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(7A), pp. 10-24.
- Gadewar M, Lal, B. (2022). Molecular Docking and Screening of Drugs for 6LU7 Protease Inhibitor As A Potential Target For Covid-19. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 14(1), 100–105.
- Manoj Gadewar. (2021). Pharmacological and Analytical Aspects of Esculetin: A Comprehensive Review”. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 5.2, 105-110 (IF- 0.85).
- Lal B, Gadewar M. (2021). Des?gn an? Ev?lu?t?on of Ol?nz?p?ne an? R?sper??one Tr?ns?erm?l P?tches Cont??n?ng Veget?ble O?ls as Perme?t?on Enh?ncers, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33(63B), pp. 25-43.
- Raj P, Manoj Gadewar, Anita S (2021). In Vitro Anti-Cancer Effect of Folate and Boron Targeting Nanomedicine Loaded with Cisplatin based Nanotechnology. Design Engineering, 9, pp.14864 – 14877
- Manoj Gadewar. (2021). Therapeutic Strategies for Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID- 19): A Comprehensive Review”. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 5.2 03- 10. (IF-0.75).
- Popsy Raj, Manoj Gadewar, Anita Singh. (2021). Polymeric Nanoparticles for Targeted Treatment and Management in Cancer Cervix: Current Insights. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 16188–16229.
- Manoj Gadewar, Bhart Lal. (2021). Simultaneous Estimation of Antipsychotic Drugs (Risperidone and Olanzapine) by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Acta Scientific medical Sciences (IF-0.85).
- Manoj Gadewar, Santosh Yele. (2020). Artificial Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering”.EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 8.8: 42-48.
- Manoj Gadewar, Bharat Lal. (2021). A Concise Review on Transdermal Drug Delivery System. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 19345-19367.
- K Patel, D Laloo, GK Singh, M Gadewar, DK Patel. A review on medicinal uses, analytical techniques and pharmacological activities of Strychnos nux-vomica Linn: A concise report. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine; 2017: 1-13 (IF-2.9)
- Prashanth, G.K., Sathyananda, H.M., Manoj Gadewar, Prashanth, P.A. et al. Controlled synthesis of Ag/CuO nanocomposites: evaluation of their antimycobacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer activities. Appl. Phys. A 128, 614 (2022). (Impact factor-2.84).
- Prashanth GK, Mutthuraju M, Manoj Gadewar, Prashanth PA, Srilatha Rao, Boselin Prabhu, Yatish KV and H G Nagendra. (2022). A critical review on photocatalytic activity induced by metal nanoparticles synthesized by sustainable approaches. Frontiers in Chemistry, section Photocatalysis and Photochemistry (Accepted) (Impact factor-5.54).
- Singh L, Bajaj S, Gadewar M, Verma N, Ansari MN, Saeedan AS, Kaithwas G and Singh M (2021) Modulation of Host Immune Response Is an Alternative Strategy to Combat SARS-CoV-2 Pathogenesis. Front. Immunol. 12:660632. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.660632 (Impact factor-8.78)
- Raj, P., Lal, B., Gadewar, M., Singh, A. and Prashanth, G. K. (2022) “Cisplatin and Nano-particle Formulations of Cisplatin for Cancer Therapy: A Review”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(14A), pp. 34-49. doi: 10.9734/jpri/2022/v34i14A35636.
- Lal, B. and Gadewar, M. (2022). Novel Approaches for Covid-19 Treatment. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(2), pp.276-289
- Lal, B., Gadewar, M., & Garg, A. (2022). Development And Evaluation Of Self Emulsified Drug Delivery System Of Embelin For The Treatment Of Amoebiasis. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 14(3), 141–152.
- Lal, B. and Gadewar, M. (2022) “Transdermal Drug Delivery System: A Novel Alternative for Drug Delivery”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(7A), pp. 10-24. doi: 10.9734/jpri/2022/v34i7A35448.
- Gadewar, M. and Lal, B. (2022). Molecular Docking and Screening Of Drugs For 6lu7 Protease Inhibitor As A Potential Target For Covid-19. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 14(1), 100–105.
- Manoj Gadewar., et al. Pharmacological and Analytical Aspects of Esculetin: A Comprehensive Review”. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 5.2 (2021): 105-110 (IF- 0.85).
- Lal, B. and Gadewar, M. (2021). Des?gn an? Ev?lu?t?on of Ol?nz?p?ne an? R?sper??one Tr?ns?erm?l P?tches Cont??n?ng Veget?ble O?ls as Perme?t?on Enh?ncers, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33(63B), pp. 25-43. doi: 10.9734/jpri/2021/v33i63B35249.
- Popsy Raj, Manoj Gadewar, Anita Singh (2021). In Vitro Anti-Cancer Effect of Folate and Boron Targeting Nanomedicine Loaded with Cisplatin based Nanotechnology. Design Engineering, 9, pp.14864 – 14877
- Manoj Gadewar., et al. Therapeutic Strategies for Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID- 19): A Comprehensive Review”. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 5.2 (2021): 032- 10. (IF-0.75).
- Popsy Raj, Manoj Gadewar, Anita Singh. Polymeric Nanoparticles for Targeted Treatment and Management in Cancer Cervix: Current Insights. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), (2021) 16188–16229.
- Manoj Gadewar, Bhartlal. Simultaneous Estimation of Antipsychotic Drugs (Risperidone and Olanzapine) by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Acta Scientific medical Sciences (IF-0.85).
- Manoj Gadewar and Santosh Yele. Artificial Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering”.EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 8.8 (2020): 42-48.
- Manoj Gadewar, Bharat Lal. A Concise Review on Transdermal Drug Delivery System. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), (2021), 19345-19367.
- K Patel, D Laloo, GK Singh, M Gadewar, DK Patel. A review on medicinal uses, analytical techniques and pharmacological activities of Strychnos nux-vomica Linn: A concise report. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine; 2017: 1-13. doi:10.1007/s11655- 016-2514-1(IF-1.97)
- Prashanth GK, Prashanth PA, Manoj Gadewar, Utpal Bora, Nagabhushana Bhangi Mutta. In Vitro Antibacterial And Anticancer Studies Of ZnO Nanoparticles Prepared By Sugar Fueled Combustion Synthesis. Advanced Materials Letters. 2016, DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2016.6424.
- Gadewar M, Goyal A, Bora U. Lipid lowering agents. Pharma times 2015; 47(9): 11-12.
- Arghya Sett, Manoj Gadewar, Pragya Sharma, Manab Deka, Utpal Bora. Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Dillenia indica. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2016: (7), 025005 DOI:10.1088/2043- 6262/7/2/025005 (Cite score- 4.80)
- GK Prashanth, PA Prashanth, U Bora, M Gadewar, BM Nagabhushana. In Vitro antibacterial and cytotoxicity studies of ZnO nano powders prepared by combustion assisted facile green synthesis. Karbala International Journal of Modern Science. 2015: 1 (2), 67-77.DOI:
- K Patel, M Gadewar, V Tahilyani, DK Patel. A review on pharmacological and
- Analytical aspects of diosmetin: a concise report. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013: 19 (10), 792-800. DOI: 10.1007/s11655-013-1595-3 (IF-1.97).
- DK Patel, K Patel, M Gadewar, V Tahilyani. Pharmacological and bioanalytical aspects of galangin-a concise report. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012: 2 (1), S449-S455.DOI:10.1016/S2221-1691(12)60205-6 (IF-1.55).
- K Patel, M Gadewar, R Tripathi, DK Patel. Pharmacological and analytical aspects of gymnemic acid: a concise report. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease. 2012: 2 (5),414-416.DOI:10.1016/S2222-1808(12)60090-5 (IF-1.22).
- K Patel, M Gadewar, R Tripathi, SK Prasad, DK Patel. A review on medicinal importance, pharmacological activity and bioanalytical aspects of beta-carboline alkaloid Harmine. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012: 2 (8), 660- 664.DOI: 10.1016/S2221-1691(12)60116-6 (IF-1.55).
- D K Patel, K Patel, M Gadewar, V Tahilyani. A concise report on pharmacological and bioanalytical aspect of sinigrin. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012: 2 (1), S446-S448. DOI: 10.1016/S2221-1691(12)60204-4 (IF-1.55).
- D K Patel, K Patel, M Gadewar, V Tahilyani. A concise report on pharmacological and analytical aspect of bergenin. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease. 2012: 2 (2), 163-167. DOI: 10.1016/S2222-1808(12)60037-1 (IF-1.22).
- Kanika Patel, M Gadewar, V Tahilyani, D K Patel. A review on pharmacological and analytical aspects of diosgenin: a concise report. Natural products and bioprospecting , 2012; 2: 46–52.DOI: 10.1007/s13659-012-0014-3.
- Shweta Vashist, Sujata Sharma, Jyoti Kumari, Manoj Gadewar, & Sahil Arora. (2022). A Review on Curcumin and its Use as Novel Drug Delivery System. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 9(3), 148–153.
Book Chapters
- Prashanth GK, Mutthuraju M, Manoj Gadewar, Prashanth PA, Srilatha Rao, Boselin Prabhu, Yatish KV and H G Nagendra. (2022). Applications of Inorganic Polymers in Textile Wastewater Treatment. (2022). Sustainable Textiles: Production, Processing, Manufacturing & Chemistry DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-0886-6_10.
- Manoj Gadewar et al., (2022). Uses of tailor made plant starches in drug delivery. (2022). Tailor-made polysaccharide in drug delivery, page no. 5-25.
- Radhika Sharma, Anuj Choudhary, Harmanjot Kaur, Gurjot Singh, Kuldipika Sharma, Antul Kumar, Arun Garg, Manoj Gadewar, Satyakam Guha, Anand Sonkar, Sahil Mehta. (2023). Introduction to Diabetes: An Overview. CRC Press, 1-24
- Green synthesis of metallic nanoparticles by fruit extract and uses Thereof. (692/KOL/2014) .
- Green Synthesis of Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Using Leaf Extract and Uses Thereof (Patent application no. 202221030176).
- Design of anti-shivering scissor (Application no. 353922-001).
- Synthesis of alpha-indolyl beta-substitued acrylate derivative (Application No. 202211076202)
- A Low-Cost Biosensor based Device for detection of vital nutrients (Application No. 202311019408)
- Oral hygiene improving composition and method (Application No. 202241050500)
- Automated joint pain relief chair (Granted Application No.382628-001)