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Physiotherapy As A Career Domain

January 25, 2021

With the healthcare sector booming greatly in recent times, a multitude of career opportunities have emerged to the shore. One such extremely contributing and interesting field of study is physiotherapy. Not many are aware of the great prospects that this career domain has in store as it is generally thought to be anirk some job that involves doing ‘exercise’ to patients. However, it is not always the same. Physiotherapy is a highly specialized field that includes practicing physical therapies to ensure optimal health and proper functioning of the body.

In general, physiotherapy is primarily directed towards restoration, prevention,and alleviation of pain or movement dysfunction in patients. This involves physical/clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment of health problems/diseases, giving curative treatment to physical impairment, and thereby bringing mobility to patients.

The widening role of physiotherapists

The role of a physiotherapist is not limited to treating aches and sprains but is a holistic rehabilitation process that involves reducing pain, maintaining optimum functionality, and restoring a healthy lifestyle. Basically, it remains as a profession dedicated to providing physical care services to individuals at the micro-level of the healthcare sector while contributing to the restoration of their functional capabilities all through the lifetime.

Nowadays, medical practitioners are prescribing physiotherapy as a treatment alternative to so many chronic ailments along with medicine. They also take on a professional role in critical care, community-based rehabilitation, and early intervention programs within the healthcare delivery system. With a professional master’s degree and upgradation in certification programs, physiotherapists are capable of landing on remunerative jobs that add value to service and career growth.

Career scope in the profession of physiotherapy

If you are interested in becoming a valuable contributor to the healthcare domain, considering physiotherapy as a career option is a worthy choice. The profession is especially for those who are naturally inclined to serving people and knowing the human body functions and capabilities better. In recent years, the scope of physiotherapy has increased further ahead, broadening from a service sector to the educational domain as well. There are so many opportunities for budding students with physiotherapy majora to embark on careers in hospitals and institutes as consultants and educators. The fact that physiotherapists are employed in both the specialty hospital sector as well as the educational sector makes it a great option for ambitious minds willing to consider a potential career choice.

In today’s world, physiotherapists are regarded with a lot of respect and consideration as they provide cure with no medicines as opposed to the practice of doctors of medicine. Not only the physiotherapy profession is lauded for its wide scope in India, but also there are highly valuable opportunities abroad. Moreover, job opportunities for physiotherapists are wide and broad, ranging from specialty to super-specialty hospitals run by both governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Promising growth prospects

The multifaceted growth of the physiotherapy profession makes it a completely independent field within the healthcare domain. The job prospects in the domain of physiotherapy also seem to be highly promising in the future years as the healthcare system continues to broaden its role in multiple specialties within the domain.

Industry analysts predict that physiotherapy as a profession globally would grow at a CAGR of 6.78% during 2018-2022. With the changing trends and booming healthcare industry, it is high time physiotherapists take on contributing roles in the healthcare sector with some really good remuneration and job prospects.

In order to enable the aspiring young minds to attain quality education in Physiotherapy and make a career in this booming domain, we, at K.R.Mangalam University,one among the Top Ranked Universities in Haryana,offer a 4 and ½ years of Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T) degree at our School of Medical and Allied Sciences. The program is designed with a cutting-edge curriculum and is targeted towards equipping students both theoretically as well as practically for the world of Physiotherapy.

The B.P.T program at KRMU makes the students capable of detecting and evaluating Anatomical, Patho-Physiological impairments/dysfunctions of various age groups and accordingly implement appropriate and specific Physiotherapy measures. At the K.R.Mangalam University, students are imparted with strong academic knowledge, in-demand skills, and practical expertise required to embark on a successful career in the field of Physiotherapy.


Physiotherapy As A Career Domain

January 25, 2021

With the healthcare sector booming greatly in recent times, a multitude of career opportunities have emerged to the shore. One such extremely contributing and interesting field of study is physiotherapy. Not many are aware of the great prospects that this career domain has in store as it is generally thought to be anirk some job that involves doing ‘exercise’ to patients. However, it is not always the same. Physiotherapy is a highly specialized field that includes practicing physical therapies to ensure optimal health and proper functioning of the body.

In general, physiotherapy is primarily directed towards restoration, prevention,and alleviation of pain or movement dysfunction in patients. This involves physical/clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment of health problems/diseases, giving curative treatment to physical impairment, and thereby bringing mobility to patients.

The widening role of physiotherapists

The role of a physiotherapist is not limited to treating aches and sprains but is a holistic rehabilitation process that involves reducing pain, maintaining optimum functionality, and restoring a healthy lifestyle. Basically, it remains as a profession dedicated to providing physical care services to individuals at the micro-level of the healthcare sector while contributing to the restoration of their functional capabilities all through the lifetime.

Nowadays, medical practitioners are prescribing physiotherapy as a treatment alternative to so many chronic ailments along with medicine. They also take on a professional role in critical care, community-based rehabilitation, and early intervention programs within the healthcare delivery system. With a professional master’s degree and upgradation in certification programs, physiotherapists are capable of landing on remunerative jobs that add value to service and career growth.

Career scope in the profession of physiotherapy

If you are interested in becoming a valuable contributor to the healthcare domain, considering physiotherapy as a career option is a worthy choice. The profession is especially for those who are naturally inclined to serving people and knowing the human body functions and capabilities better. In recent years, the scope of physiotherapy has increased further ahead, broadening from a service sector to the educational domain as well. There are so many opportunities for budding students with physiotherapy majora to embark on careers in hospitals and institutes as consultants and educators. The fact that physiotherapists are employed in both the specialty hospital sector as well as the educational sector makes it a great option for ambitious minds willing to consider a potential career choice.

In today’s world, physiotherapists are regarded with a lot of respect and consideration as they provide cure with no medicines as opposed to the practice of doctors of medicine. Not only the physiotherapy profession is lauded for its wide scope in India, but also there are highly valuable opportunities abroad. Moreover, job opportunities for physiotherapists are wide and broad, ranging from specialty to super-specialty hospitals run by both governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Promising growth prospects

The multifaceted growth of the physiotherapy profession makes it a completely independent field within the healthcare domain. The job prospects in the domain of physiotherapy also seem to be highly promising in the future years as the healthcare system continues to broaden its role in multiple specialties within the domain.

Industry analysts predict that physiotherapy as a profession globally would grow at a CAGR of 6.78% during 2018-2022. With the changing trends and booming healthcare industry, it is high time physiotherapists take on contributing roles in the healthcare sector with some really good remuneration and job prospects.

In order to enable the aspiring young minds to attain quality education in Physiotherapy and make a career in this booming domain, we, at K.R.Mangalam University,one among the Top Ranked Universities in Haryana,offer a 4 and ½ years of Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T) degree at our School of Medical and Allied Sciences. The program is designed with a cutting-edge curriculum and is targeted towards equipping students both theoretically as well as practically for the world of Physiotherapy.

The B.P.T program at KRMU makes the students capable of detecting and evaluating Anatomical, Patho-Physiological impairments/dysfunctions of various age groups and accordingly implement appropriate and specific Physiotherapy measures. At the K.R.Mangalam University, students are imparted with strong academic knowledge, in-demand skills, and practical expertise required to embark on a successful career in the field of Physiotherapy.

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